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Paper Krane

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Posts posted by Paper Krane

  1. 17 minutes ago, mvaneijgen said:

    In this case you want them to stop when the bottom of you last item (now hard coded, you probably want to get that dynamically), hits the same location as the end of that element.


    I can't believe I missed the 'endTrigger' property! For some reason I had it stuck in my head that the trigger was kind f the end all be all of sizing the spacer. Thank you so much for this!

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  2. Hey everyone!


    I have seen this card scrolling effect on numerous websites and went to test my hand at it on a Nuxt.js app and noticed I was getting a strange gap at the bottom of the pin spacer. I then tried to set the pinSpacer to false and then the effect didn't work properly there either. I would appreciate an extra pair of eyes here to see when I am missing as it feels so close to being complete! It's just this strange gapping. Thanks everyone and thank you for GSAP! This has been a game changer for me!


    * The codepen looks best with the code windows on the side since I am using VH units to  size the effect.

    See the Pen GRzXqjG by paperkrane (@paperkrane) on CodePen

  3. 1 hour ago, Rodrigo said:

    Regarding what you're trying to achieve the main concept is to update the slider's timeScale in order to make it go faster and then take the timescale back to one (it's natural value). I created an example using two approaches to achieve the same. One is to use scroll trigger and detect the velocity in a specific zone of the page. The other is to use the Observer Plugin to check mouse wheel and touch events and affect the time scale of the tween.


    I honestly had nod idea I could even edit the timeScale. This is huge and opens up the door to so many different ideas. Thank you for this! Off to explore more in the docs now. 

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  4. So I am trying to replicate an effect I recently saw (the inspiration for what I am trying to build can be found at the top of the page here) and managed to figure out the endless slider effect (yep, I am definitely far from being a gsap master). But now that I have the endless effect, I want to figure out how they sped up the effect on the users scroll. I linked what I currently have built via CodePen.


    I found this post that effects the speed of an animation using ScrollTrigger but it was recommended to use the containing div and animate that which doesn't really work for this case, at least I don't think it does but I am open to being wrong. I would appreciate any insight on how one might be able to adjust the slider scroll speed on scroll down. 


    And before I end this, thank you to everyone in the GreenSock team. This library is incredibly powerful and unbelievably helpful. I just wish I would of tested it out sooner.



    See the Pen zYjELKE by paperkrane (@paperkrane) on CodePen

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