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Posts posted by Sined12

  1. Hello everyone !

    I need do the animation like on the GIF(wich attached below) , but how you see (in the CODEPEN) it is not like its should be...

    I try do the same animation of 9 small squares which must fly away from the center through opacity 0 to 1 to 0 and all this time it should rotate...

    I try to use FromTo , try do  this animation in new TimeLine something like this in this code below, but in this case the animation order starts to stray (maybe repeatDelay is a problem).

    const tl2 = new TimelineMax({repeat:-1, repeatDelay: .615});
        clones['clone8']], .3,{opacity: 0, rotation: 3,   ease: SlowMo.ease.config(.1, .1, false)})
        .to(clones['clone0'], .3,{ x: halfWidht-100, y: height/9,  opacity: 1, rotation: 350,   ease: SlowMo.ease.config(.1, .1, false) })
        .to(clones['clone1'], .3,{ x: halfWidht+100, y: height/7,  opacity: 1, rotation: 365,   ease: SlowMo.ease.config(.1, .1, false) },0)
        .to(clones['clone2'], .3,{ x: halfWidht+150, y: height/4,  opacity: 1, rotation: 355,   ease: SlowMo.ease.config(.1, .1, false) },0)
        .to(clones['clone3'], .3,{ x: halfWidht+250, y: height/3,  opacity: 1, rotation: 353,   ease: SlowMo.ease.config(.1, .1, false) },0)
        .to(clones['clone4'], .3,{ x: halfWidht+240, y: height/2,  opacity: 1, rotation: 367,   ease: SlowMo.ease.config(.1, .1, false) },0)
        .to(clones['clone5'], .3,{ x: halfWidht-100, y: height/1.8,opacity: 1, rotation: 357,   ease: SlowMo.ease.config(.1, .1, false) },0)
        .to(clones['clone6'], .3,{ x: halfWidht-200, y: height/2,  opacity: 1, rotation: 361,   ease: SlowMo.ease.config(.1, .1, false) },0)
        .to(clones['clone7'], .3,{ x: halfWidht-250, y: height/3,  opacity: 1, rotation: 350,   ease: SlowMo.ease.config(.1, .1, false) },0)
        .to(clones['clone8'], .3,{ x: halfWidht-150, y: height/4,  opacity: 1, rotation: 367,   ease: SlowMo.ease.config(.1, .1, false) },0)
       .to(clones['clone0'], .3,{ x: halfWidht-150, y: height/9.5,   opacity: 0, rotation: '+=100',   ease: SlowMo.ease.config(.1, .1, false), delay: -0.3})
       .to(clones['clone1'], .3,{ x: halfWidht+150, y: height/7.5,   opacity: 0, rotation: '+=100',   ease: SlowMo.ease.config(.1, .1, false), delay: -0.3})
       .to(clones['clone2'], .3,{ x: halfWidht+200, y: height/4.5,   opacity: 0, rotation: '+=100',   ease: SlowMo.ease.config(.1, .1, false), delay: -0.3})
       .to(clones['clone3'], .3,{ x: halfWidht+300, y: height/3.5,   opacity: 0, rotation: '+=100',   ease: SlowMo.ease.config(.1, .1, false), delay: -0.3})
       .to(clones['clone4'], .3,{ x: halfWidht+290, y: height/2.5,   opacity: 0, rotation: '+=100',   ease: SlowMo.ease.config(.1, .1, false), delay: -0.3})
       .to(clones['clone5'], .3,{ x: halfWidht-150, y: height/2.3, opacity: 0, rotation: '+=100',   ease: SlowMo.ease.config(.1, .1, false), delay: -0.3})
       .to(clones['clone6'], .3,{ x: halfWidht-250, y: height/2.5,   opacity: 0, rotation: '+=100',   ease: SlowMo.ease.config(.1, .1, false), delay: -0.3})
       .to(clones['clone7'], .3,{ x: halfWidht-300, y: height/3.5,   opacity: 0, rotation: '+=100',   ease: SlowMo.ease.config(.1, .1, false), delay: -0.3})
       .to(clones['clone8'], .3,{ x: halfWidht-200, y: height/4.5,   opacity: 0, rotation: '+=100',   ease: SlowMo.ease.config(.1, .1, false), delay: -0.3});

    Maybe anyone have a some idea how implement the animation of the 9 squares ?

    Thank you in advance !


    See the Pen QzPLwG by Sined12 (@Sined12) on CodePen

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