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Morgan Benton

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Posts posted by Morgan Benton

  1. Yes! That fixed it.


    Do you have any suggestions for ways to reduce bundle size? For example, is there a way to get the repeat/yoyo effect while still just using TimelineLite?


    I haven't really begun my optimization process in earnest, yet, but the changes above increased the bundle by 75k.



  2. I'm building a VueJs component, and when I build in production mode, the yoyo and/or repeat properties are not working. Here's the relevant bit of my code:


    // import libraries
    import { TimelineMax, Bounce, Back, BezierPlugin, CSSPlugin } from 'gsap/all'
    // create a timeline
    const tl = new TimeLineMax({ paused: true })
    // add a pulsing glow (uses a custom CSS variable)
    tl.to('div', 1, { '--some-var': '20px', repeat: -1, yoyo: true })
    // fire it up!
    // eslint-disable-next-line no-unused-vars
    const dontTreeShakeBezierAndCSS = [BezierPlugin, CSSPlugin]


    The animation works once, but then stops, which seems to indicate that either the `repeat` or `yoyo` (or both) is getting tree-shaken or is otherwise not getting included in my final bundle.


    It feels like I'm just importing the wrong things. Any ideas on how to fix?  Thanks!


    P.S. I didn't include CodePen because there's no build step there that would allow me to recreate the problem.

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