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Posts posted by Anatol

  1. The complete workaround goes something like this:

    const tl = makeTimeline( { duration } )
    // play the timeline from start to a certain time
    tl.tweenTo( duration / 2, { onComplete: tl.kill, onCompleteScope: tl } )

    Later in the code:

    const tl = makeTimeline( { duration } )
    // now play the timeline from the previous end position
    tl.play( duration / 2 )

    Technically 2 timelines, but the effect is what I need in my case. I never needed any of this before, but in this particular case it's important to avoid Phaser's auto-resume.

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  2. Again, this is in combination with Phaser 2 which seems to auto-resume all paused timelines on refocusing the tab/window. It may be a bit convoluted, but I can kill the timeline when the playhead reaches the tweenFromTo "to" time. If I still need to resume the timeline later I need to redo it and tweenFromTo it from the previous end position, but at least it's a workaround.

    tl.tweenFromTo( 0, duration / 2, { onComplete: tl.kill, onCompleteScope: tl } )


  3. Thanks for the reply. Actually now I think this issue is not gsap/TimelineMax related. I use it in Phaser 2 which has a line of code in the TweenManager:

    this.game.onResume.add(this._resumeAll, this);

    So my guess is that it simply resumes all timelines when the game window is refocused on.

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  4. Hi! I used tweenFromTo() for the first time and it works fine, playing from defined start to end time. However, when I refocus on the browser window/tab the timeline playback resumes. Is there any way to stop it from doing this?


    I don't think the below code is important here, but I'll include it anyway.


    const tl = new TimelineMax()
    tl.set( juice.sprite.position, { x: 380, y: 720} )
    tl.set( juice.sprite.scale, { x: .25, y: .25, ease: gsap.Power4.easeOut } )
    tl.to( juice.sprite.scale, duration / 2, { x: 1, y: 1 }, 0 )
    tl.to( juice.sprite.position, duration, { x: 415, y: 650}, duration / 4 )
    tl.tweenFromTo( 0, duration / 2 )


  5. Hi @OSUblake , thanks for your reply and the CodePen. I wonder why I didn't just try it with a timeScale tween in the first place. Well, I tried to tween _timeScale at some point but the result didn't look right obviously. Thanks also for some other useful suggestions in the code. I didn't know about _gsTransform , that's handy.

  6. Hi,


    I'm reviving this old thread. I had the same problem, so here's a way to tween the timeScale of a timeline using TweenMax. In this way you can also set the ease for the timeScale increase/decrease or have an onComplete callback if you wish.


    Here's a

    See the Pen OaKqoq?editors=0010 by anatolbogun (@anatolbogun) on CodePen



    function tweenTimeScale( opt ) {
      const { timeline, duration, from, to, onComplete, onCompleteParams, onCompleteScope } = opt
      let { ease } = opt
      if ( !ease ) { ease = Linear.easeNone }
      const timeScale = { value: from }
      TweenMax.to( timeScale, duration, { value: to, ease, onComplete, onCompleteParams, onCompleteScope } )
      var updateTimeScale = function() {
        // console.log( 'timeScale:', timeScale.value )
        timeline.timeScale( timeScale.value )
        if ( timeScale.value !== to ) {
          window.requestAnimationFrame( updateTimeScale )
      window.requestAnimationFrame( updateTimeScale )


    Usage is quite straightforward:

    const tl = TimelineMax()
    tl.to( obj, 1, { rotation: 360, repeat: -1 } )
    // etc.
    // e.g. slow the timeline to a halt over 3 seconds and pause it at the end
    tweenTimeScale( {
      timeline: tl,
      duration: 3,
      from: 1,
      to: 0,
      ease: Power2.easeOut, // optional
      onComplete: tl.pause, // optional
      onCompleteScope: tl, // optional
    } )


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