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Posts posted by swammy

  1. That was it. strange that moving the declaration up also seemed to fix it.


    In my opinion, true by default is more intuitive only because in the IDE everything is being positioned relative to the fixed height width, so I would expect it to detect a new position any time that scale is different. To ask the object to behave otherwise seems like much more of a special case scenario for me.


    Thanks for all the quick help and these incredible classes.

  2. Could there be racing issue going on with the update() call?


    I found that when I used the following code, one of mc's (bttmMenu) didn't update its position:

    var ls:LiquidStage = new LiquidStage(this.stage, 950, 600, 950, 600);
    var lsBG:LiquidArea = new LiquidArea(this, 0, 0, 950, 600);
    var area:LiquidArea = new LiquidArea(this, 525, 0, 425, 600, 0xff0000);
    area.pinCorners(ls.TOP_RIGHT, ls.BOTTOM_CENTER, true);
    area.attach(contentHold, ScaleMode.NONE, AlignMode.CENTER, AlignMode.CENTER);
    lsBG.attach(bigBG, ScaleMode.PROPORTIONAL_OUTSIDE, AlignMode.CENTER, AlignMode.TOP);
    lsBG.attach(topBar, ScaleMode.WIDTH_ONLY, AlignMode.CENTER, AlignMode.TOP);
    lsBG.attach(bottBar, ScaleMode.WIDTH_ONLY, AlignMode.CENTER, AlignMode.BOTTOM);
    ls.attach(bttmMenu, ls.BOTTOM_LEFT);


    But when I moved the bttmMenu attach command directly below the liquidstage init, everything works fine:

    var ls:LiquidStage = new LiquidStage(this.stage, 950, 600, 950, 600);
    ls.attach(bttmMenu, ls.BOTTOM_LEFT);
    var lsBG:LiquidArea = new LiquidArea(this, 0, 0, 950, 600);
    var area:LiquidArea = new LiquidArea(this, 525, 0, 425, 600, 0xff0000);
    area.pinCorners(ls.TOP_RIGHT, ls.BOTTOM_CENTER, true);
    area.attach(contentHold, ScaleMode.NONE, AlignMode.CENTER, AlignMode.CENTER);
    lsBG.attach(bigBG, ScaleMode.PROPORTIONAL_OUTSIDE, AlignMode.CENTER, AlignMode.TOP);
    lsBG.attach(topBar, ScaleMode.WIDTH_ONLY, AlignMode.CENTER, AlignMode.TOP);
    lsBG.attach(bottBar, ScaleMode.WIDTH_ONLY, AlignMode.CENTER, AlignMode.BOTTOM);

  3. Great. I always look forward to your liquidstage updates as I've used the original in so many projects. Is the layout directory missing from the svn? I don't see it in my repository anymore.


    Also, I have my new LS project working great in FF, but for some reason in IE it always starts at the default movie height/width and doesn't fill the page with the liquidarea. As soon as I resize everything snaps into place. I tried a ADDED_TO_STAGE listener to run a resize event but it didn't seem to work.


    One last question, only because I couldn't find it in the documentation but I'm sure you've devised a way to do it: Lets say I wanted a liquid area to fill up one half of the width of my page, and center amovie clip within it, so that as the page stretches, the area always maintains 50% width, and the attached clip always centers within the area. Is that currently possible? Right now I'm using the resize listener to do all the math, but it's getting very cumbersome as the items on stage continue to grow.


    Thanks for everything.

  4. ............................................________

























    Sorry for wasting your time, Jack. But thank you for the solution and the great updates.

  5. I'm trying to migrate to the newer version of liquidstage that uses liquidArea as opposed to the pinobject/stretchObject I'm used to.


    I'm trying to accomplish a top bar that stretches horizontally and always remains at the top, with a bottom bar that stretches horizontally and is attached to the bottom until the minHeight is reached. Before I would just pinObject to the BOTTOM.CENTER or TOP.CENTER to achieve the effect, but it seems that my liquid area always remains centered, so while the mc's I attached do respect the TOP.CENTER and BOTTOM.CENTER of the liquidArea, the area itself is not aligning to the top of the stage. Here is my code:


    var ls:LiquidStage = new LiquidStage(this.stage, 950, 768, 950, 768);
    var lsBG:LiquidArea = new LiquidArea(this, 50, 50, 850, 668, 0xff0000);
    lsBG.preview = true;
    lsBG.attach(topBar, LiquidScaleMode.WIDTH_ONLY, LiquidAlignMode.CENTER, LiquidAlignMode.TOP);
    lsBG.attach(bottBar, LiquidScaleMode.WIDTH_ONLY, LiquidAlignMode.CENTER, LiquidAlignMode.BOTTOM);


    As long as I'm scaling above my minWidth and Height everything works as planned, but once I go below the 950x768 the top and bottom of the area both begin to go off screen rather than the top staying at y:50, and the bottom being cut off.


    Am I misusing this feature? Should I be using multiple areas?

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