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Posts posted by ragmaen

  1. How can I say no, its amazing how you reply to every single question in your forum! Keep it up!

    I made my example as simple as possible, I hope it will be clear to you. find an online version

    (not working to show the error) here:




    and a zip containing all the source here


    [REMOVED - contained members-only code]


    I also attached a screenshot of Charles running while I try to run the example.


    thanks, Thomas


    EDIT: In case you already downloaded it, please do it again, just realised some javascript files were not in there.

  2. I, I just wanted to mention a small bug I encountered by using the VideoLoader in combination with flashvars.

    The HTML, swf, and videos all were in different folders, the videoURLs were handed over to the swf via flashvars

    as relative paths.


    so the folderstructure was






    on flashvars I gave it the url




    what it tried to call was then first




    but for the second time it suddenly looked inside the swf folder:




    so now I removed auditSize and changed the relative path to:




    and everything seems to work.


    what would cause such an error?

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