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Posts posted by Mooninator

  1. Hello everybody,

    I hope I do it right here to write and ask directly ...
    To my question I'm working on my Bachelor thesis and hang now for some time now at this point, have already browsed through the forum here, but unfortunately I have not found anything.
    Since I wanted to directly create a topic for myself.
    The following problem, my bachelor thesis is a simulation, which lets packages run on a loop, outside the loop and packing places in the middle.
    Now I have searched a lot and painted the loop with Javascript, then I decided to use GSAP.
    But I do not quite like what I'm looking for ...
    Because I'm just hanging out with the animation ... Because writing the Move function itself would be awkward, but there are enough frameworks that do that for me, and so I came across GSAP.
    I've been looking for a lot and have found a similar topic, but unfortunately I'm found not really any help.
    I have to let X-boxes on the loop and that directly after each other and the first endless, until later the logic comes the boxes distributed to the packing stations ...
    But currently it fails because of the animation ....
    Have the code from the similar topic tried to change, but do not climb so completely through ...
    Have times the code with packed:

    See the Pen jYMVNM by osublake (@osublake) on CodePen

    this is the code from the other topic and i just added these:

      <g class="Loop">
        <path id="loop" class="loop" d="M100 10 L100 510 L600 510 L600 10 Z" />


    for the rectangle...


    The link to the other Topic: 


    would like to drive x-circles in the example on the rectangle ...
    but C # and especially MVC with web-frontend is new to me and do not get there completely.

    hope you can help me there or give tips on how I get it

    Thanks in advance and best regards

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