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Tyra Pululi

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Posts posted by Tyra Pululi

  1. Hi and thanks for the reply.


    I had some workers at home and wasn't able to reply sooner.


    Originally it was a continuous scroll but the client asked for this scrollTo functionality in this section. So i'm in a position where I need to find a solution.


    Have tried different options but none of them worked.


    Maybe I could pause the magicScroll scene while the menu animation is active?



  2. Hi,


    I'm running into a situation and I;m not able to solve it by my self.




    I have section 2 with a scroll to top when entering the section and is breaking the anchor menu, so for example if you are in section 0 and click on the menu to go to section 3 the scroll will stop at section 2.


    I have been searching and tried some of the solution but none of them worked.


    How could avoid the section with the autoscroll to hijack the menu?





    See the Pen MZPXMe by tyra-pululi (@tyra-pululi) on CodePen

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