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Posts posted by tun712

  1. Great!!!

    Thanks, finished project with this help.


    @Mikel vertical scroll  Just little problem if down scroll occurs on last slide it scrolls in reverse direction at once.


    Once I posted my Tween question to daniweb and got suggestion to post it on GreenSock Forum. With uncertainty about reply I started posting questions on GreenSock Forum.  And it's working well.


    These two Forums are really really very helpful ?

  2. @both Thanks ! ?


    Horizontal scroll is working with jquery 3.4.   Need little help to add prev & next button for both  horizontal demo. My code is not working,


    $(".btnPrev").on('click', function(e) {
        if (?????) {
        } else {
    $(".btnNext").on('click', function(e) {
        if ((?????)) {
        } else {


  3. @both Thanks ! ?

    Horizontal is not tried yet, working on vertical. It's working with  jquery 3.4


    But I've little problem, I'm unable to add or remove class active to nav li a 


    var  $navButtons =   $("ul.nav li a").filter("[href^=#]");  this is not working for me. Below is my code to add navigation, please check


    	var navList = "";
    	$(".slide").each(function (i) {		
    		navList += "<li><a href='#" + (i + 1) + "' class='slide-" + (i + 1) + "'></a></li>";
    	if ($('ul.nav').length < 1) {
    		$("<ul class='nav'></ul>").prependTo($(".slides-container").parent());
    	$("ul.nav li a").on('click', function (e) {




    Now I've little simplified scrolling code to find out problem, please check below


    var $window = $("section");
    var $navButtons = $("ul.nav li a");
    var $slidesContainer = $(".slides-container");
    var $slides = $(".slide");
    var $currentSlide = $slides.first();	
    //Animating flag - is our app animating
    var isAnimating = false;
    //The height of the window
    var pageHeight = $window.innerHeight();
    //Going to the first slide
    /**Adding event listeners**/
    $window.on("mousewheel DOMMouseScroll", onMouseWheel);
    /**When user scrolls with the mouse, we have to change slides**/
    function onMouseWheel(event)
      //Normalize event wheel delta
      var delta = event.originalEvent.wheelDelta / 30 || -event.originalEvent.detail;
      //If the user scrolled up, it goes to previous slide, otherwise - to next slide
      if (delta < -1)
      } else
      if (delta > 1)
    /**If there's a previous slide, slide to it**/
    function goToPrevSlide()
      if ($currentSlide.prev().length)
    /**If there's a next slide, slide to it**/
    function goToNextSlide()
      if ($currentSlide.next().length)
    /**Actual transition between slides**/
    function goToSlide($slide)
      //If the slides are not changing and there's such a slide
      if (!isAnimating && $slide.length)
        //setting animating flag to true
        isAnimating = true;
        $currentSlide = $slide;	 
    	//Sliding to current slide
        TweenMax.to($slidesContainer, 1, { scrollTo: { y: pageHeight * $currentSlide.index() }, onComplete: onSlideChangeEnd, onCompleteScope: this });   
    	TweenMax.fromTo(".title span:nth-child(even)", 1, {y: "50%",opacity: 0}, {ease:SlowMo.ease.config( 0.4, 0.4),y: "0%",opacity: 1});
    	TweenMax.fromTo(".title span:nth-child(odd)",1, {y: "-50%",opacity: 0}, {ease:SlowMo.ease.config( 0.4, 0.4),y: "0%",opacity: 1}); 	
    /**Once the sliding is finished, we need to restore "isAnimating" flag. You can also do other things in this function, such as changing page title**/
    function onSlideChangeEnd()
      isAnimating = false;



    Is it possible to convert nav li a into, 

    <div  class="nav">

          <div  class="slide-1">Slide 1</div>

          <div  class="slide-2">Slide 2</div>

          <div  class="slide-3">Slide 3</div>

          <div  class="slide-4">Slide 4</div>



  4. @ Mikel


    Hey Mikel,

    Thanks a lot,  you tried with jquery 3.4. I've not tested it  with my code yet, but I'll check it.


    I was working with your previous code for Horizontal slider

    Is it possible to help  with this?



  5. Need help to scroll when mouse wheel is used. Scroll Up or Down as per mouse action.
    I'm trying to create  moveUp() &   moveDown() function,  to scroll according mouse wheel action
    On scroll, remove class of current div :- .active and add class :- .active to scrolled div (div in viewport), by default first div has class .active.

    See the Pen zXZKYN by tun712 (@tun712) on CodePen

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