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Posts posted by rassem

  1. 17 hours ago, Carl said:

    Hi and welcome to the GreenSock forums,

    Yes, the site you mentioned is using the GreenSock Animation Platform.


    Unfortunately it would be extremely time-consuming to try to explain how all of that works, especially not knowing just how new you are to web development. There are probably a dozen or so different things going on there, each with their own varying levels of complexity. Honestly, this is a very ambitious project for a beginner.


    There really aren't any shortcuts to these types of things (unless you find a tutorial or demo online that provides all the code for you). Perhaps someone around here knows of a tutorial or demo that does something similar.


    The only thing I thought of was @Sahil's canvas tutorial that makes a bunch of elements scale and move based on their proximity to the mouse:


    Regardless of how closely that resembles what you need to do, it paints a nice picture of the level of complexity.


    If you have any specific questions about the GreenSock Animation Platform, we'll be happy to help. 




    Thanks for you reply. I will look into it. But in meantime you can give me some direction/points, which i should learn particular for this site? I mean what  i need, what are they using, How to create those bubble. As i see the source code, they are using SVG. 

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