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Posts posted by Forxs

  1. So 'element' is just a jQuery DOM object. insertContent just pulls some information from that element and injects it into another element:


    function insertContent(element){
    	var infoContent = '<div class="image">';
    	infoContent += element.find('.headshot_alternate').html();
    	infoContent += '</div>';
    	infoContent += '<div class="name">'+element.find('.info .name').html()+'</div>';
    	infoContent += '<div class="position">'+element.find('.info .position').html()+'</div>';
    	infoContent += '<div class="bio">'+element.find('.info .bio').html()+'</div>';
    	$('.info-row .content').html('');
    	$('.info-row .content').html(infoContent);


    So the variable infoContent is just building the new content for the container. Then it injects it into '.info-row .content'.

  2. I have this function:


    function changeInfo(element){
    	new TimelineMax();
    	tl = new TimelineMax();
    	tl.to('.info-row .content', 0.3, {opacity: 0}, 0)
    	  .to('.info-row .content', 0.3, {opacity: 1}, 0.6)


    Which is fading out some content, run a function to insert the new content, and then fade in the new content.


    The browser is returning "Uncaught Cannot add undefined into the timeline; it is not a tween, timeline, function, or string."


    If I comment out the timeline and just run insertContent(element); it works fine (all be it without the animation obviously). 


    Any idea what I can do to fix this?



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