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Posts posted by slayaz

  1. Hi Guys


    I've been using Tween Max for a little while at a very basic level and it has been superb for doing ad banners (which is all the flash I get to to these days).


    I got some help earlier regarding a banner by putting a loop command in, which works great, but was recommended TimeLineMax, but have tried to do it but I really struggle with the documentation.


    I now want to move things on and do them properly, so i can use them as a template for future jobs


    My code is below and I would appreciate some help. I quite like the though of using append to build the animation rather than delay, but whatever is the best solution.


    Thanks again in advance for any help as it is much appreciated.


    import com.greensock.*;
    var timeline:TimelineMax = new TimelineMax({repeat:2, repeatDelay:1.5});
    TweenMax.allTo([headone, headtwo, date, button], 0, {_alpha:0} );
    TweenMax.allTo(headone, 2, {_alpha:100, delay:1});
    TweenMax.to(headone, 2, {_alpha:0, delay:5});
    TweenMax.to(headtwo, 2, {_alpha:100, delay:5});
    TweenMax.to(date, 2, {_alpha:100, delay:9});
    TweenMax.to(button, 2, {_alpha:100, delay:12});


    P.S. The TimelineMax was added as an attempt to do the repeat but obviously it doesn't work.


    Thanks again!

  2. Wow, thanks sooo much, Anitainment, that is such a simple solution and absolutely perfect for what I need.


    Zync, that looks like a serious bit of code and I am eating my breakfast, and going through it to try and understand it bit by bit.


    Thanks again for your help.



  3. Ok, first of all I apologise.


    For being a noob and not reading every thing I can on the subject but I was under time constraints and I got a bit stressed and desperately wanted to make this work.


    I have since done some research and read plenty and I realise I need to use Timelinelite but I can't find an example that covers what I am trying to do. I am very new to this and all the examples seem more complicated than I need.


    I would love to learn how to do this but I am being shouted at by my line manager to get it sorted, so I would really appreciate some help.

    Many, many thanks.



  4. I have just tried to create my first job using greensock, and I am impressed!


    I need to get this finished urgently and need some help.


    The job is a simple tweening job that will become a screensaver, i have managed to make everything fade beautifully, but i'm sure there is a better way to do it.


    The main problem I have is making it loop. It needs to loop continuously.


    the code is below and i would really appreciate some help.


    Many thanks!


    import com.greensock.*;
    TweenMax.allTo([imageone, imagetwo, imagethree, imagefour,imagefive, textone, texttwo, link, lookingforward], 0, {_alpha:0});
    TweenMax.to(imageone, 2, {_alpha:100, delay:1});
    TweenMax.to(imageone, 2, {_alpha:0, delay:5});
    TweenMax.to(imagetwo, 2, {_alpha:100, delay:6});
    TweenMax.to(lookingforward, 2, {_alpha:100, delay:7});
    TweenMax.to(imagetwo, 2, {_alpha:0, delay:10});
    TweenMax.allTo([imagethree, textone], 2, {_alpha:100, delay:11});
    TweenMax.allTo([imagethree, textone], 2, {_alpha:0, delay:15});
    TweenMax.allTo([imagefour, texttwo], 2, {_alpha:100, delay:16});
    TweenMax.to(imagefour, 2, {_alpha:0, delay:20});
    TweenMax.to(imagefive, 2, {_alpha:100, delay:21});
    TweenMax.to(link, 2, {_alpha:100, delay:23});
    TweenMax.allTo([imagefive, link], 2, {_alpha:100, delay:27});
    TweenMax.allTo([imagefive, link, texttwo], 2, {_alpha:0, delay:31});

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