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Posts posted by Spycatcher2018

  1. Dear All

    As I am part of the creative coding club, i noticed Carl has posted a "marching ants" tutorial with SVG paths

    is there a way of doing this in Adobe Animate CC HTML 5 with GreenSock ?

    Thanks for your time



  2. Thank you for your reply 

    I cant seem to find anywhere how to load the guide path into Animate and how to populate the path with multiple 

    targets to produce a stream., this was relatively easy  in AS3 with the greensock plugin . I tried to copy some guide path code but it did not run properly in the Browser via animate, as only the text from the animation showed in browser . I texted Carl about my problem years ago, but at that time there was no motion path plugin for JavaScript in animate, I am excited it is now available for use in Animate, cant wait to use the plugin.

    Best Regards




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  3. Dear All

    Thank you for your time, this is not my first time here however my last post was many years ago.

    I would like to use the GSAP  "motion path " plugin, in "Adobe Animate" ,to  animate a series of shapes flowing along a 

    line, the concept, is to simulate a liquid or air flowing through a pipe. I have used a similar GSAP plugin before in Flash, using AS3 script

    but since the introduction of HTML 5 and the deletion of AS3 in most websites it is no longer viable.

    Will the "motion path" "plug in" work in HTML 5 Animate and if so how will the "plug in" be loaded into Animate.


    Best regards




  4. Thank you very much for your help ,much more than i expected.

    With respect to the morph svg plugin this would then make the code a lot simpler ,how many steps would the code be reduced to .

    Would it then be similar to the AS3 script ?

    I have many paths need to animate ,looking at away to make the the easy to manipulate as some paths need to be turned off and others on inside the movie clip (AS3 allows this functionally)  ,this is dependent on the operators selection.


    Thank you your time

    BRG Peter

  5. Dear All I have been recently using AS3  in Adobe Animate to create engineering systems simulations  the main thing I use is Tweenmax to animate 

    a path flow .As AS3 is on the way out I would like to the same type of simulations  with Tweenmax JS ,but I cant seem to find the 

    same script there .

    Here is my code in as3

    As it is a fairly long code list I will show a small part with the type of actions I would like to achieve.


    first i create a path


    var hydbpath1:LinePath2D = new LinePath2D([
    new Point(683.45,478.45),
    new Point(703.45,478.45),
    new Point(703.45,120),
    new Point(790,120)
    then I create an array and populate it

    var hydbp1:Array = [];
    for (var n:int = 0; n < 12; n++)



    Then I distribute the array to the path

    hydbpath1.distribute(hydbp1, 0, 1, true);

    Then I add a tween


    var myTweenhydb1:TweenMax = new TweenMax(hydbpath1,10,{progress:2,repeat:-1,ease:Linear.easeNone});

    I change the visibility of the path

    hyd1path1.visible = false;


    Add it inside a empty movie movie clip


    hydbpath1.visible = false; 


    add a button


    function begin(e:MouseEvent){




    create my circle

    function createCircle(myCircle:MovieClip,d:Number,color:uint=0xFF0000):Shape
        var circle:Shape = new Shape();// The instance name circle is created 
        circle.graphics.beginFill(color, 1);
          circle.graphics.lineStyle(2, 0x000000);
           circle.graphics.drawCircle(0, -0,d);

        return circle;
    I can change the visibility of the circle path follower buy changing the visibility of the array itself


    for each (var obj9:Object in hyd1p1)
        obj9.visible = true;


    I have been searching the docs ,can find some things like create the path but other things do not seem to be available or are performed differently.

    Very new to JS trying to migrate any help appreciated.

    Thank you for your time peter


  6. Dear All thank you for your time ,I am working on a path flow project using tween max .

    Is there a way to set the visibility of all the path followers to zero on initial start ,as in "TweenMax.pauseAll();" like TweeMax.visibility=0;

    and then convert the visibility of the tween max path follower to 1 visibility using a button.

    Been searching for this cant seem to find anything.

    I can do it by making the main movie clip that all the tweens reside in visibility=false ,last time i used mask to cover the 

    paths just wanted a more eloquent way of doing it.

    Thank you 





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