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Posts posted by benkyma

  1. Hi, I'm having a problem with a very simple thing. I have a menu which is made up of 16 thumbnails. When the user rolls over a thumnail, it grows a little. When they roll_out, it shrinks again. The problem is that if you mouse around the thumbnails, the frame rate of the movie quickly drops to below 20. I think it has something to do with tweens not completing, as if I set a very quick tween time, the problem is much less apparent.


    I am using roll_over, not mouse_over. I am using overwrite manager.all_immediate. I have called overwriteManger.init();


    I have tried all kinds of ways to do this, of varying complexity, but in essence, all I am doing is setting up roll_over and roll_out listeners, and in the handler function, creating a tween instance either up, or down.

    What is the correct way to do this?

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