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Posts posted by yura747

  1. Hello all! 


    Could you please help me with an animation. 

    Here is the description: 


    On mobile view firstly we have a vertical scroll, once we got to the section where should be slides it's fixed.

    Maximum we have 3 hirizontal slides. Slide have a video or image background and some text on it.

    If there is an image - it's zooms in a bit and after switches to the next slide. 

    In case there is a video or gif - scrub to the video (at about 5 sec) and after swith the slide. 

    After all slides were shown normal vertical scroll should be enabled .. 


    here I've found an example of slides, but without zoom in effect https://codepen.io/maggielerman/pen/PozVQbO

    and here is an example of video behaviour : https://greensock.com/forums/topic/25730-scrub-through-video-smoothly-scrolltrigger/


    any ideas? Examples? 


    See the Pen PozVQbO by maggielerman (@maggielerman) on CodePen

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