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Posts posted by nino-la

  1. Hi there, 

    I'm trying to create a line animation that is traveling from A to B, fades in, than continues from B to A.

    Here is what I have so far: 


    Basically, I want to make line disappear and then re-draw itself from top to bottom when it comes back. Hope this makes sense. What's the best approach with gsap to do this?

    See the Pen ZEYPyrK by nette-la (@nette-la) on CodePen

  2. Thanks for your replay.

    I also wanted to ask, since i'm experiencing some choppiness what are some gotchas on how to improve performance when using gsap?

    Is staggerTo/From better then simple to/from when you have multiple tweens? does force3D: true/false do anything for performance? I also read to use autoalpha instead of opacity. Is there anything else?

  3. Hi there,


    I have 2 SVG graphics that are over 1000 lines of code. I'm animating them with GSAP. However, on IE and Edge it takes quite a bit to load all the html. Are there other ways to render SVG so that it can still be animated with GSAP? I know if i have img tag then GSAP won't work. Any suggestions? 

  4. @PointC Thanks for your replay!

    So I don't think I can use stagger cause each icon has 2 separate paths (1 to load path and another one to load circle fill -- they are also not next to each other so I can't wrap them) so wouldn't they load in different time?

    I have added scale. Can you have another look? You see how they are not in the bulb. 

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