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Posts posted by Jules_A

  1. Hi there,


    I have a simple 2 bar animation I am trying to achieve. I'm not sure why my values aren't being pulled in. Could anything please help?


    I have 'value1' and 'value2'. When you load the page nothing happens. If you change the values within the TweenMax function to number values equal to what 'value1' or 'value2' are equal to then the animation happens. 


    No idea what's going on here. 


    Any help appreciated.



    See the Pen OdLyrX by erayner (@erayner) on CodePen

  2. Hey there!


    Thanks for getting back to me so promptly. I implemented your solution, however I would like the image (of the cat) to essentially stay on top of the bar graph as it scales upwards..


    So to explain a little more:

    - The image of the cat should be 'fluid' where it isn't always right at the top, instead, the cat should sit on top of the bar graph.

    - If the left side bar graph was at '72%' and the right side bar graph was at '30%' then the cats wouldn't be aligned, but they would both be sitting on top of the bar.


    If you could provide a solution for that I would be forever in your debt :)

    p.s. proud to be a Club Greensock Member.



  3. I have made it work with this:


    <div class="graph1">
        <div class="inner"></div>
    $(document).ready(function() {
    TweenMax.to('.inner', 1, {height: "400px"})
    height: 400px;
    width: 40px;
    margin: 0 auto;
    transform-origin: 50% 100%;
    background-color: blue;
    bottom: 0;
    width: 100%;


    Unfortunately that's not the functionality I want. I need it to move the content above it upwards. Position absolute wont work here I think.


    Any help is appreciated!

  4. Hi there,


    I'm looking for a way to animate 'upwards' that is to say that I want the graph to start from the bottom and animate upwards.


    I tried to set the transform origin to be at the bottom so that it might animate upwards, but that didnt work.


    Any help greatly appreciated :)

    See the Pen maGRdZ by erayner (@erayner) on CodePen

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