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Posts posted by TheToob

  1. I found out I can get something close to what I think I need, but then again, I can't do anything with it really, so here's what I'm doing:


    var urls:Array = ["a.jpg", "b.jpg", "c.jpg", "300x250fx_50k.swf"];
    		var queue:LoaderMax = LoaderMax.parse(urls, 


    I set up a trace in _childCompleteHandler

    trace("child loaded: " + event.target + " inside queue: " + event.currentTarget);



    child loaded: ImageLoader 'loader2' (images/portfolio/mainThumb/a.jpg) inside queue: LoaderMax 'loader1'
    child loaded: ImageLoader 'loader3' (images/portfolio/mainThumb/b.jpg) inside queue: LoaderMax 'loader1'
    child loaded: ImageLoader 'loader4' (images/portfolio/mainThumb/c.jpg) inside queue: LoaderMax 'loader1'
    child loaded: SWFLoader 'loader5' (images/portfolio/mainThumb/300x250fx_50k.swf) inside queue: LoaderMax 'loader1'


    There you go! It says ImageLoader(3x) and SWFLoader, I needed that, but I can't access it as a value it self... I must be thinking completely wrong here, I'm not the only one using dynamic content via xml, and I see no others struggling with this... :?

  2. Hi Greensock,about the swf autoplay: that indeed clarifies things! Thank you for taking your time to answer this question, really appreciate it!


    Thanks also for the code sample, I see how I can control the timing when something is loaded. But about the "I have little control over the behavior of the loaded content' -part: I did not put that quite right, I find it hard to do so in English :D , I guess what I meant to say is something more like, when I call getLoader("item1") for instance, and that item is a videofile , I would like to use that source in my videoplayer class, while I have an other class(view) for swf and image files. How do I determine the type of file so I can call the appropriate classes I wrote (about to write) ? (the point is, I don't know when what file will be next, because the XML is going to be dynamic)

  3. Hello, first of all I loved greensock before and now I discovered the LoaderMax classes, I continue to do so!

    I understand the basic idea of the LoaderMax class. It automatically discovers wether to load a swf, video or image. Brilliant! Then I found out you can manually set up different types of loaders. I can see why that is helpfully if you already know what content type is going to be loaded. Now my 'problem'.


    I'm creating my portfoliowebsite. There's a bunch of thumbs, and every thumb has a full image, or a swf file, or a video file linked to it. I found out using loaderMax I have little control over the behavior of the loaded content (ie: my swf file plays even when it's not visible). So I imagine I'd use SWF loader when the xml node contains a swf, and the VideoLoader when the xml node contains a videofile. How do I set this up best? My XML looks like this (shortened)


    I first load mainThumbs and onComplete i start loading fullContent.

    How do I determine the content type of each xml node to alternatively create a VideoLoader or SWFLoader or ImageLoader next? Is that even a good approach to start with!?

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