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Posts posted by kevmon

  1. 8 hours ago, explorerzip said:

    Great work. I did notice, however, that scrolling with the mouse wheel is quite jerky: moves rather quick from left to right. You might want to lock the scrolling until the sun moves all the way from left to right. The animation is fine if you click the scrollbar.


    Thanks, really great point, I've just updated above to fix that

  2. Hi,


    I'm unable to provide a Codepen as I haven't figured out how to start this yet.  Here's what I'm trying to achieve:


    1. On scroll (ScrollMagic) when the element comes into view, the sun comes in from the left

    2. It follows the path and sort of lingers at the top-center for a bit (will use ease SlowMo for this)

    3. Continues to go off the edge of the screen on the right as the element scrolls up and out of view

    4. As you scroll in reverse, the same thing happens in reverse


    Definitely not asking anyone to do the work for me, but hoping to get pointed in the right direction on how to approach it.


    Thanks in advance!



    CleanShot 2019-03-24 at 16.05.57@2x.jpg

  3. Hey everyone, it's my first time using GSAP and I'm stuck.  I'm trying to run separate animations on one element at the same time.  However, each animation has a separate duration and easing.


    Animation 1:  transform X & Y from -100% to 0, over 1s, ease in-n-out

    Animation 2: transform rotate from 45 to 0, over 2s, elastic


    I can make this work by having the element inside a wrapper, and applying the effect on the wrapper and inner element separately, but at the same time.  But is it possible to do these both on just the single element?


    Thanks in advance!

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