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Posts posted by Harvid

  1. Ok now its working :D


    just for the help of other beginners her is the code


    subloaded swf

    var video:VideoLoader = new VideoLoader("SWFS/videos/1.f4v", {name:"Contactvideo", repeat:-1, autoPlay:true, container:con1, width:1024, height:428, scaleMode:"proportionalInside", requireWithRoot:this.root});
    function destroy():void


    main .swf

      var con1:ContentDisplay = LoaderMax.getContent("menymainClip1");


    and thank you for explaining it for me

  2. My crestion is how do i clean up the loaders for videos,

    the videos is loaded in whit loadermax inbetted insight .swf

    i have tryed to .empty(true,true) and removeChild. so the dispose(true) was just another trat


      // CLEAN UP queuemeny2 FOR OLDE VIDEOS
      switcher = 1;
       queuemeny1.append( new SWFLoader("SWFS/MAIN/"+event.target.name+".swf", {name:"menymainClip1",onInit:initHandler, alpha:0, container:this, y:86, autoPlay:false}));
      // CLEAN UP queuemeny1 FOR OLDE VIDEOS
    switcher = 0;
    queuemeny2.append( new SWFLoader("SWFS/MAIN/"+event.target.name+".swf", {name:"menymainClip2",onInit:initHandler, alpha:0, container:this, y:86, autoPlay:false}));

  3. i trying to incorporate the code in my project

    a22.swf don't seems to be a part of the queue1 in loader.swf


    my traces:

    found SWFLoader 'childLoader' (a22.swf)

    childLoader took 0.003 seconds to load 20000 bytes.

    completeHandler don

    SWFLoader 'childLoader' (a22.swf) is complete!

  4. its dreving me crasy


    i found this post

    Once your SWFLoader fires its INIT event, that means it has loaded enough to look for loaders in the swf and begin loading them (if any are found). You can get any loader by name or url using LoaderMax.getLoader(). The latest version of LoaderMax (updated today) has a new "loadTime" property for all loaders which tells you how many seconds it took to load. So let's say you have a loader named "childLoader" inside your child swf that the SWFLoader is loading - you could get that like this:



    Code: Select all

    var loader:SWFLoader = new SWFLoader("child.swf", {onInit:initHandler, onComplete:completeHandler});


    function initHandler(event:LoaderEvent):void {

    var childLoader:LoaderMax = LoaderMax.getLoader("childLoader") as LoaderMax;

    trace("found " + childLoader);



    function completeHandler(event:LoaderEvent):void {

    var childLoader:LoaderMax = LoaderMax.getLoader("childLoader") as LoaderMax;

    trace("childLoader took " + childLoader.loadTime + " seconds to load " + childLoader.bytesTotal + " bytes.");




    Does that answer your question?

    and its don't seems to work


    in my loader the code is


    import com.greensock.*;  
    import com.greensock.loading.*;  
    import com.greensock.events.LoaderEvent;  
    import com.greensock.loading.display.*;
    var loader:SWFLoader = new SWFLoader("a33.swf", {onInit:initHandler, onComplete:completeHandler});
    function initHandler(event:LoaderEvent):void {
       var childLoader:LoaderMax = LoaderMax.getLoader("childLoader") as LoaderMax;
    //    trace("found " + childLoader);
    function completeHandler(event:LoaderEvent):void {
       var childLoader:LoaderMax = LoaderMax.getLoader("childLoader") as LoaderMax;
    //    trace("childLoader took " + childLoader.loadTime + " seconds to load " + childLoader.bytesTotal + " bytes.");
    trace("completeHandler complete");

    in my childe loader the code is

    import com.greensock.*;  
    import com.greensock.loading.*;  
    import com.greensock.events.LoaderEvent;  
    import com.greensock.loading.display.*;
    var childLoader:SWFLoader = new SWFLoader("a22.swf",{onComplete:completeHandler});
    function completeHandler(event:LoaderEvent):void {  
    var image:ContentDisplay = LoaderMax.getContent("a22.swf");  
    TweenLite.to(image, 1, {alpha:1});  
    trace(event.target + " is complete!");


    if i trace the

    trace("childLoader took " + childLoader.loadTime + " seconds to load " + childLoader.bytesTotal + " bytes.");

    trace("found " + childLoader);


    i get a error

    TypeError: Error #1009: Cannot access a property or method of a null object reference.

    at loader_fla::MainTimeline/completeHandler()

    at flash.events::EventDispatcher/dispatchEventFunction()

    at flash.events::EventDispatcher/dispatchEvent()

    at com.greensock.loading.core::LoaderCore/_completeHandler()

    at com.greensock.loading::SWFLoader/_completeHandler()

    SWFLoader 'loader1' (a22.swf) is complete!


    and if skipping errors traces


    completeHandler complete

    SWFLoader 'loader1' (a22.swf) is complete!


    its seems to load the child's afterwards !


    please help me

  5. Hey

    have a loader then ends in a loader, so people will see 2 loader sequence in a road. not goot at all.

    I'm Looking For a solution for it wet loadermax. like the preloader.swf loads - startmeny.swf and its first childe About.swf


    i have seen the requireWithRoot. bot i don't understand it, and i cannot finde any (copy /paste) examples to figure it out

    cut you please show me a loader wits has it incorporated, or maby you hav a better idea how to do it ?


    agen sorry for my bad english

  6. its works now :D

    this.stage.addEventListener(Event.FULLSCREEN, fullScrHandler3);
    function fullScrHandler3(event:FullScreenEvent):void {
          if (stage.displayState == StageDisplayState.NORMAL) {
    	   this.stage.removeEventListener(Event.FULLSCREEN, fullScrHandler3);
    	   queuepp1.empty(true, true);
    	   queuepp2.empty(true, true);


    i detent understand the addEventListener wasn't remove what the .empty(true, true);


    Thank you so mutch

  7. hey


    why I believed empty detent works is

    firste time i using the "fullScrHandler3()" all works

    if loading a new .swf like (g1.swf) then its crash

    if I have empty the previous loaded shut is be like first time every time


    the code is the same in all loadet (g1 to g8)


    function k9CLICK(event:MouseEvent):void
    imageNumber = 9;
    stage.displayState = StageDisplayState.FULL_SCREEN;
    function k9Over(event:MouseEvent):void {
    TweenMax.to(k9, 0.7, {dropShadowFilter:{color:0xffffff, alpha:0.1, blurX:2, blurY:2, strength:100}});
       TweenMax.to(k9, 0.7,{colorMatrixFilter:{saturation:1}});
    function k9Out(event:MouseEvent):void{
    TweenMax.to(k9, 0.7, {dropShadowFilter:{color:0xffffff, alpha:0, blurX:0, blurY:0, strength:0}});
    TweenMax.to(k9, 0.7,{colorMatrixFilter:{saturation:0.35}});


    this.stage.addEventListener(Event.FULLSCREEN, fullScrHandler3);
    function fullScrHandler3(event:FullScreenEvent):void {
          if (stage.displayState == StageDisplayState.NORMAL) {
    	   queue1.empty(true, true);
    	   queue2.empty(true, true);

    sorry for all my stupid christians but im really new in coding

    could you please show me what you mean because i don't understand what i must do

  8. Hey


    i dont think the queue1/queue2 is ben empty of its contents

    what am i doing wrong


    function completeHandler2OK():void 
     queue1.empty(true, true);
     var image2:ContentDisplay = LoaderMax.getContent("mainClip2");
     TweenLite.to(image2, 1.5 , {alpha:1, onComplete:image2.rawContent.play});
     switcher2 = 1;


    g2 is loaded into queue1


    TypeError: Error #1009: Cannot access a property or method of a null object reference.

    at g2_fla::MainTimeline/fullScrHandler3()

    at flash.display::Stage/set_displayState()

    at flash.display::Stage/set displayState()

    at g1_fla::MainTimeline/k9CLICK()


    all code

    import com.greensock.*;
    import com.greensock.loading.*;
    import com.greensock.events.LoaderEvent;
    import com.greensock.loading.display.*;
    import flash.display.StageDisplayState;
    var ShowArray:Array = [g1, g2, g3, g4 ,g5, g6, g7, g8];
    var switcher = 0; 
    var switcher2 = 0;
    var queue1:LoaderMax = new LoaderMax({name:"mainQueue1", onProgress:progressHandler1, onComplete:completeHandler1/*, onError:errorHandler*/});
    var queue2:LoaderMax = new LoaderMax({name:"mainQueue2", onProgress:progressHandler2, onComplete:completeHandler2/*, onError:errorHandler*/});
    TweenLite.to(preloadText, 0 , {alpha:0});
    function Showclick(event:MouseEvent):void{
    trace(event.target.name + " load");
      if (switcher == 0){ 
       queue1.empty(true, true);
       queue1.append( new SWFLoader("SWFS/SHOWCASES/"+event.target.name+".swf", {name:"mainClip1", alpha:0, container:this, y:86, autoPlay:false}));
    switcher = 1;
       queue2.empty(true, true);
    queue2.append( new SWFLoader("SWFS/SHOWCASES/"+event.target.name+".swf", {name:"mainClip2", alpha:0, container:this, y:86, autoPlay:false}));
    switcher = 0;
    ////////////////loader queue 1//////////////////////////////////////////
    function progressHandler1(event:LoaderEvent):void { 
    preloadText.text = ("Loading " + Math.round(event.target.progress*100).toString() + "%");
    TweenLite.to(preloadText, 1.0 , {alpha:1});
     if (switcher2 == 1){
       //clip exists 
    var image2:ContentDisplay = LoaderMax.getContent("mainClip2");
    TweenLite.to(image2, 1.5 , {alpha:0});
    function completeHandler1(event:LoaderEvent):void 
    TweenLite.to(preloadText,  1.5 , {alpha:0});
       if (switcher2 == 1){
    var image2:ContentDisplay = LoaderMax.getContent("mainClip2");
    TweenLite.to(image2, 0.5 , {alpha:0, onComplete:completeHandler1OK})
    function completeHandler1OK():void 
     queue2.empty(true, true);
     var image1:ContentDisplay = LoaderMax.getContent("mainClip1");
     TweenLite.to(image1, 1.5 , {alpha:1, onComplete:image1.rawContent.play});
    /////////////////loader queue 2//////////////////////////////////////////////
    function progressHandler2(event:LoaderEvent):void { 
    preloadText.text = ("Loading " + Math.round(event.target.progress*100).toString() + "%");
    TweenLite.to(preloadText, 1.0 , {alpha:1});
    var image1:ContentDisplay = LoaderMax.getContent("mainClip1");
    TweenLite.to(image1, 1.5 , {alpha:0});
    function completeHandler2(event:LoaderEvent):void 
    TweenLite.to(preloadText,  1.5 , {alpha:0});
    var image1:ContentDisplay = LoaderMax.getContent("mainClip1");
    TweenLite.to(image1, 0.5 , {alpha:0, onComplete:completeHandler2OK})
    function completeHandler2OK():void 
     queue1.empty(true, true);
     var image2:ContentDisplay = LoaderMax.getContent("mainClip2");
     TweenLite.to(image2, 1.5 , {alpha:1, onComplete:image2.rawContent.play});
     switcher2 = 1;

  9. Hey

    I can not get it to work with LoaderMax.

    for some reason I can not get it to wait for the onComplete, it immediately start to play ?


    queue1.append( new SWFLoader("test/"+event.target.name+".swf", {name:"mainClip1", alpha:0, container:this, y:86, autoPlay:false}))


    TweenLite.to(image1, 1.5 , {alpha:1, onComplete:image1.rawContent.play});



    import com.greensock.*;
    import com.greensock.loading.*;
    import com.greensock.events.LoaderEvent;
    import com.greensock.loading.display.*;
    import flash.display.StageDisplayState;
    var ShowArray:Array = [g1, g2, g3, g4 ,g5, g6, g7, g8];
    var switcher = 0; 
    var switcher2 = 0;
    var queue1:LoaderMax = new LoaderMax({name:"mainQueue1", onProgress:progressHandler1, onComplete:completeHandler1/*, onError:errorHandler*/});
    var queue2:LoaderMax = new LoaderMax({name:"mainQueue2", onProgress:progressHandler2, onComplete:completeHandler2/*, onError:errorHandler*/});
    TweenLite.to(preloadText, 0 , {alpha:0});
    function Showclick(event:MouseEvent):void{
    trace(event.target.name + " load");
      if (switcher == 0){ 
       queue1.empty(true, true);
       queue1.append( new SWFLoader("test/"+event.target.name+".swf", {name:"mainClip1", alpha:0, container:this, y:86, autoPlay:false}));
    switcher = 1;
       queue2.empty(true, true);
    queue2.append( new SWFLoader("test/"+event.target.name+".swf", {name:"mainClip2", alpha:0, container:this, y:86, autoPlay:false}));
    switcher = 0;
    ////////////////loader queue 1//////////////////////////////////////////
    function progressHandler1(event:LoaderEvent):void { 
    preloadText.text = ("Loading " + Math.round(event.target.progress*100).toString() + "%");
    TweenLite.to(preloadText, 1.0 , {alpha:1});
     if (switcher2 == 1){
       //clip exists 
    var image2:ContentDisplay = LoaderMax.getContent("mainClip2");
    TweenLite.to(image2, 1.5 , {alpha:0});
    function completeHandler1(event:LoaderEvent):void 
    TweenLite.to(preloadText,  1.5 , {alpha:0});
       if (switcher2 == 1){
    var image2:ContentDisplay = LoaderMax.getContent("mainClip2");
    TweenLite.to(image2, 0.5 , {alpha:0, onComplete:completeHandler1OK})
    function completeHandler1OK():void 
     var image1:ContentDisplay = LoaderMax.getContent("mainClip1");
     TweenLite.to(image1, 1.5 , {alpha:1, onComplete:image1.rawContent.play()});
    queue2.empty(true, true);
    /////////////////loader queue 2//////////////////////////////////////////////
    function progressHandler2(event:LoaderEvent):void { 
    preloadText.text = ("Loading " + Math.round(event.target.progress*100).toString() + "%");
    TweenLite.to(preloadText, 1.0 , {alpha:1});
    var image1:ContentDisplay = LoaderMax.getContent("mainClip1");
    TweenLite.to(image1, 1.5 , {alpha:0});
    function completeHandler2(event:LoaderEvent):void 
    TweenLite.to(preloadText,  1.5 , {alpha:0});
    var image1:ContentDisplay = LoaderMax.getContent("mainClip1");
    TweenLite.to(image1, 0.5 , {alpha:0, onComplete:completeHandler2OK})
    function completeHandler2OK():void 
     var image2:ContentDisplay = LoaderMax.getContent("mainClip2");
     TweenLite.to(image2, 1.5 , {alpha:1, onComplete:image2.rawContent.play});
     switcher2 = 1;
    queue1.empty(true, true);

  10. I do not understand why it does not work

    I get this error message


    Scene 1, Layer 'action', Frame 1, Line 86 1119: Access of possibly undefined property play through a reference with static type flash.display:Loader.

    Scene 1, Layer 'action', Frame 1, Line 116 1119: Access of possibly undefined property play through a reference with static type flash.display:Loader.


    what am I not doing right ?

  11. hey

    I can not figure out what I'm doing wrong

    i just want the loaded swf to play after tweening is don



    TweenLite.to(loader2, 2.5 , {alpha:1, onComplete:play});


    there is a stop at frame 1 in the .swf



    pleas help me i am really trying to learn, As you can see, not very nice looking code... :-s


    sorry for my english


    var ShowArray:Array = [g1, g2, g3, g4 ,g5, g6, g7, g8];
    TweenLite.to(preloader, 0 , {alpha:0});
    var loader1:Loader = new Loader();
    var loader2:Loader = new Loader();
    var switcher = 0;
    function Showclick(event:MouseEvent):void{
    if (switcher == 0)
    loader1.contentLoaderInfo.addEventListener(Event.COMPLETE, onLoaded1); 
        //loader.contentLoaderInfo.addEventListener(ProgressEvent.PROGRESS, onProgress2); 
       loader1.load(new URLRequest("test/"+event.target.name+".swf"));
       loader1.x = 0;
       loader1.y = 86;
    switcher = 1;
    loader2.contentLoaderInfo.addEventListener(Event.COMPLETE, onLoaded2); 
        //loader.contentLoaderInfo.addEventListener(ProgressEvent.PROGRESS, onProgress2); 
       loader2.load(new URLRequest("test/"+event.target.name+".swf"));
       loader2.x = 0;
       loader2.y = 86;
    switcher = 0;
    ///////////////////////////////////// loader 1 /////////////////////////////////////
    function loadMainx1():void {
    TweenLite.from(preloader.preloadText, 0.5 , {alpha:0});
    function onProgress1(e:ProgressEvent):void 
       TweenLite.to(preloader, 0.5 , {alpha:1, onComplete:loadMainx1});
       TweenLite.to(loader2, 1.5 , {alpha:0});
       var percentage:Number = e.bytesLoaded / e.bytesTotal; 
       preloader.preloadText.text = Math.ceil(percentage * 100).toString() + "%"; 
    function onLoaded1(e:Event):void 
       TweenLite.to(preloader, 1 , {alpha:0, onComplete:loadMain1}); 
    TweenLite.to(loader2,  1 , {alpha:0});
    function loadMain1():void 
       TweenLite.to(loader1, 0 , {alpha:0}); 
       TweenLite.to(loader1, 2.5 , {alpha:1, onComplete:play()});
    ///////////////////////////////////// loader 2 /////////////////////////////////////
    function loadMainx2():void {
    TweenLite.from(preloader.preloadText, 0.5 , {alpha:0});
    function onProgress2(e:ProgressEvent):void 
       TweenLite.to(preloader, 0.5 , {alpha:1, onComplete:loadMainx2});
       TweenLite.to(loader1, 1.5 , {alpha:0});
       var percentage:Number = e.bytesLoaded / e.bytesTotal; 
       preloader.preloadText.text = Math.ceil(percentage * 100).toString() + "%"; 
    function onLoaded2(e:Event):void 
       TweenLite.to(preloader, 1 , {alpha:0, onComplete:loadMain2}); 
    TweenLite.to(loader1,  1 , {alpha:0});
    function loadMain2():void 
       TweenLite.to(loader2, 0 , {alpha:0}); 
       TweenLite.to(loader2, 2.5 , {alpha:1, onComplete:play});

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