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Posts posted by Benjus

  1. 5 minutes ago, GreenSock said:

    First of all, welcome to the club! Thanks so much for joining. 


    The problem with the page at that link is just that you've got your JavaScript code executing BEFORE the element even exists on the page. Your <script> tag has SplitText("#quote") and then later on you've got <div id="quote">. So when SplitText tries to find that element, the browser hasn't even gotten to it, thus it doesn't exist. 


    The solution: either move you <script> stuff to the bottom of your <body> tag, or you could wrap your JavaScript in an onload so that it doesn't actually execute until the whole page has finished loading. 


    Oh, and I also noticed that you're loading TweenMax, CSSPlugin, TweenLite, EasePack, and TimelineLIte but you only need to load TweenMax for all those because it contains TweenLite, CSSPlugin, EasePack, and TimelineLite inside of it already. It's not "wrong" to load the other files - it's just wasteful kb-wise, that's all. Redundant. 


    Let us know if you need anything else. Happy tweening!


    Thank you very much!!!

  2. Hi,

    I've just bought a greensock club subscription (shockingly green).

    I'm trying to use the splittext plugin, but I can not make it work. Here is the link of the page I'm working on: Link
    I imported the plugin and inserted the splittext code (this is the same as the tutorial on the site).
    Can you help me to understand why it does not work?
    It's the first time I use these plugins, I'm a beginner

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