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Posts posted by cidwings

  1. Hi !

    I have a problem for tweening my camera . I create a codepen with the minimum of code just to reproduce my issue and I annotate all my code (sorry for my English I'm french by the way ^^ ) I also put a lot of console.log() for debugging purpose .

    the question is at line 75-122


    the start point is my camera.postion line 23 : 


    camera.position.z = 30;

    and my tween001 line 75 :

    var tween001 = gsap.to(camera.position,{ delay:2,duration:5,z:60,onUpdate:function(){

    so the tween is about to move my camera from the Z = 30 to Z = 60 


    its work perfectly but ... When the user move the camera(line 90: when the user move/over/click on the 3d its fire and eventlistener that pause "tween001.pause()"  )  I want the tween001 use the "actual" camera.postion and not when the camera.postion used when the tween 001 get fire .

     Cause when the tween001 is played again or it resume from a pause the start point used is the default one x=0 y=0 z=30 .

    An idle function  play the tween001 again at line 109

    window.setInterval(checkTime, 1000);// every 1 second lauch checktime
      function checkTime() { //idleCounter get 1 every second and at 5 second coz timeout is 5 checktime relauch the tween001
        if (idlecounter < timeout) {
          //console.log("++ ");
        } else if (idlecounter == timeout) {


    Any help will be welcome 


    See the Pen PoNjVvL?editors=0011 by cid-wings-the-encoder (@cid-wings-the-encoder) on CodePen

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