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Posts posted by playworksleep

  1. Ok, for now i implemented option 3 and only mark the several 'ui' tweens with a data property, works very smooth.


    I might refactor my code to option 2 which seems a bit cleaner to me. Before dropping my questio nheere this was the approach I took, but not aware of the 'smoothChildTiming' which is crucial to prevent stange behaviour.

    Thnx again! 

    • Like 2
  2. Really helpfull! I was already at this exact moment working with the getAllTweens  method and segregating the tweens by targets with the game property, but the data approach is cleaner. Thnx! I'll provide feedback after solving mu use-case.

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  3. I have the following situation: a phaser gameworld (many tweens) where i use gsap (2.0 es6). And a surrounding page with some small interactive elements (also using gsap, but not so many tweens/timelines, about 10-15). I would like to be able to pause everything in the game and keep the animation in the page active.


    Is it possible to create 2 different gsap (global) instances? So I can pause just the game instance.

    That seems the cleanest approach.


    Other approaches i tried, but failed so far:


    - exportroot (no use, cause i get all tweens, also thje one in the page scope)

    - attach the tweens in the game to a global timeline, use this as a sort of proxy/container, but gives unexpected behaviour and also the code becomes less readable


    Currently i'm even considering using another animation framework for the in page animation, so I can still use the global pause resume for the game,

    this is off course pretty lame...;)

    What would be the best approach?


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