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Posts posted by galactus

  1. Hi.

    I created a 2 minute animation using all tweenLite and tweenMax animations and using the timelines as well. I need to export this as a video when complete. I have done this with standard animations before with little trouble.


    When I export, the playback quicktime movie works great BUT there are a lot of artifacts in the movie. As if the screen can't redraw fast enough to get rid of shapes that have been alpha tweened. Here is an example link of what I am talking about. Are there any specific settings I need to use when exporting? Any idea what might be happening?


    http://madayproductions.com/pivotdesign ... /01_27_11/



  2. Thanks for responding...


    I think I understand the idea behind what you suggested, but maybe I need some additional help with syntax? (in AS2)


    here is my actionscript. (note that the MCs I am tweening start with alpha 0)



    var timeline1:TimelineLite = new TimelineMax({repeat:1, yoyo:true});


    timeline1.append(new TweenLite(cartimeline2, .25, {_alpha:100, ease:Sine.easeIn}),2);

    timeline1.append(new TweenLite(cart3, .25, {_alpha:100, ease:Sine.easeIn}));

    timeline1.append(new TweenLite(cart4, .25, {_alpha:100, ease:Sine.easeIn}));

    timeline1.append(new TweenLite(cart5, .25, {_alpha:100, ease:Sine.easeIn}));

    timeline1.append(new TweenLite(cart6, .25, {_alpha:100, ease:Sine.easeIn}));

    timeline1.append(new TweenLite(cart7, .25, {_alpha:100, ease:Sine.easeIn}));

    timeline1.append(new TweenLite(cart8, .25, {_alpha:100, ease:Sine.easeIn, onComplete:timeline2.play}));


    // I would like timeline2 to be paused and be triggered when timeline1 is complete but when I test, timeline2 plays immediateley.


    var timeline2:TimelineLite = new TimelineMax();


    timeline2.append(new TweenLite(seq2cartimeline1, .25, {_alpha:100, ease:Sine.easeIn}),0.5);

    timeline2.append(new TweenLite(seq2cartimeline2, .25, {_alpha:100, ease:Sine.easeIn}));

    timeline2.append(new TweenLite(seq2cart3, .25, {_alpha:100, ease:Sine.easeIn}));

    timeline2.append(new TweenLite(seq2cart4, .25, {_alpha:100, ease:Sine.easeIn}));

    timeline2.append(new TweenLite(seq2cart5, .25, {_alpha:100, ease:Sine.easeIn}));

    timeline2.append(new TweenLite(seq2cart6, .25, {_alpha:100, ease:Sine.easeIn}));

    timeline2.append(new TweenLite(seq2cart7, .25, {_alpha:100, ease:Sine.easeIn}));



    // I intially tried using TimelineLite as below:


    var timeline1:TimelineLite = new TimelineLite({onReverseComplete:timeline2.play});


    timeline1.append(new TweenLite(cartimeline2, .25, {_alpha:100, ease:Sine.easeIn}),2);

    timeline1.append(new TweenLite(cart3, .25, {_alpha:100, ease:Sine.easeIn}));

    timeline1.append(new TweenLite(cart4, .25, {_alpha:100, ease:Sine.easeIn}));

    timeline1.append(new TweenLite(cart5, .25, {_alpha:100, ease:Sine.easeIn}));

    timeline1.append(new TweenLite(cart6, .25, {_alpha:100, ease:Sine.easeIn}));

    timeline1.append(new TweenLite(cart7, .25, {_alpha:100, ease:Sine.easeIn}));

    timeline1.append(new TweenLite(cart8, .25, {_alpha:100, ease:Sine.easeIn, onComplete:timeline1.reverse}));



    var timeline2:TimelineLite = new TimelineLite();


    timeline2.append(new TweenLite(seq2cartimeline1, .25, {_alpha:100, ease:Sine.easeIn}),0.5);

    timeline2.append(new TweenLite(seq2cartimeline2, .25, {_alpha:100, ease:Sine.easeIn}));

    timeline2.append(new TweenLite(seq2cart3, .25, {_alpha:100, ease:Sine.easeIn}));

    timeline2.append(new TweenLite(seq2cart4, .25, {_alpha:100, ease:Sine.easeIn}));

    timeline2.append(new TweenLite(seq2cart5, .25, {_alpha:100, ease:Sine.easeIn}));

    timeline2.append(new TweenLite(seq2cart6, .25, {_alpha:100, ease:Sine.easeIn}));

    timeline2.append(new TweenLite(seq2cart7, .25, {_alpha:100, ease:Sine.easeIn}));

  3. Just discovered timelineLite and have a couple question that may be obvious.


    1. I have a timelineLite with several tweens which I want to reverse after the last tween in the sequence. While i could use the onComplete to trigger the reverse, I would like to be able to use onReverseComplete to trigger another timeline to play. Perhaps there is a way better way to do this as well.


    2. related to first question, can you have a paused timeline which is triggered to play using the onComplete. But not using a function to do so?

    i tried onComplete:myTimeline.play() with no success.


    Greensock rocks by the way.

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