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Posts posted by vizint

  1. I've made good progress on this project - now working to build a menu with the button labels coming from each loadermax segment in the XML.


    I'd like to derive the segment names from each loaderMax node:


    trace("Segment Name is: "+LoaderMax.getLoader(_xml.LoaderMax[currentSegment].@ name));


    but this returns "LoaderMax 'Segment Name 1'"


    Here is the XML:

       <courseName>Name of Course</courseName>
       <LoaderMax name="Segment Name 1" maxConnections="2" prependURLs="assets/" load="false">
           <VideoLoader name="segment1" url="segment_1.mp4"  scaleMode="none"  autoPlay="true" volume=".9" autoAdvance = "false">
               <SWFLoader name="segment1" url="segment1.swf" type="timeline" nextAction = "next"/>
       <LoaderMax name="Segment Name 2" maxConnections="2" prependURLs="assets/" load="false">
           <VideoLoader name="segment2" url="segment2.mp4"  scaleMode="none"  autoPlay="true" volume=".9" autoAdvance = "false">
               <SWFLoader name="segment2" url="segment2.swf" type="code" nextAction = "auto"/>


    How can I derive the name (or other attributes) from the LoaderMax loader?


    Thanks again for all your help!

  2. Carl-


    I've made some more progress, VideoLoader & SWFLoader are loading simultaneously from a series of Loader Max nodes:



    Using this approach, how do I assign the parameters to the loader? It picks up values, like position x= "400" y = "240" just fine from the XML file, but since the video and swf's always have the same position, it would be nice to set this once.


    I've set up Next/Previous buttons which walk through the nodes of the course. This leads to multiple video/swf files playing at the same time. Clearly I need to unload the "last" content before displaying the "current" content.


    //in xmlHandler
    numSegments = _xml.LoaderMax.length();
    private function controlNextPrev():void
    if (currentSegment == 0){
       trace("first Segment");
    else if (currentSegment < (numSegments-1)){            
       trace("mid segments");
    else if (currentSegment == (numSegments-1)){
       trace("Last Segment");


    How do I refer to the current VideoLoader as a variable that can be exchanged and unloaded?


    private var _currentVid:VideoLoader;
    _currentVid = LoaderMax.getLoader(_xml.LoaderMax[currentSegment].VideoLoader.@name).load();


    plays audio and throws an error

    TypeError: Error #1009: Cannot access a property or method of a null object reference.


    As always - thanks for your kind and detailed feedback.

  3. Carl-


    Thanks for your detailed response...


    I've updated the xml and set up an XML loader and handler - it seems to be loading properly.


       <coursename>Course 1</coursename>
       <LoaderMax name="segment1Files" maxConnections="1" prependURLs="assets/" load="false">
           <VideoLoader name="segment1" url="segment1.mp4" height ="370" width="278" scaleMode="none" centerRegistration="true" alpha="1" autoPlay="false" volume=".1">
                       <label>Introduction 1</label>
                       <caption>intro caption</caption>
                       <caption>Closing caption</caption>
               <SWFLoader name="segment1swf" url="segment1.swf"/>
           <LoaderMax name="segment2Files" maxConnections="1" prependURLs="assets/" load="false">
           <VideoLoader name="segment2" url="segment2.mp4" height ="370" width="278" scaleMode="none" centerRegistration="true" alpha="0" autoPlay="false" volume=".5">
                       <label>Introduction 2</label>
                       <caption>intro caption</caption>
                       <caption>Closing caption</caption>
               <SWFLoader name="segment2swf" url="segment2.swf"/>


    I've been able to target the VideoLoader and SWFLoader using attribute names.


    _xml = event.target.content;        
    trace("loaderMax0 name is: " +_xml.LoaderMax[0].@name);
    trace("loaderMax1 name is: " +_xml.LoaderMax[1].@name);
    trace("loaderMax0 Video name is: " +_xml.LoaderMax[0].VideoLoader.@name);
    trace("loaderMax0 SWF name is: " +_xml.LoaderMax[0].SWFLoader.@name);



    How do I call the VideoLoader and SWF loaders on demand? Should I create a VideoLoader/SWFLoader for each segment (node) or do I just replace the reference to the content and parameters?


    is there a cleaner way to reference each VideoLoader/SWF loader?


    var videoloader:VideoLoader = new VideoLoader("assets/"+_xml.LoaderMax[currentSegment].VideoLoader.@url, {name:"video", volume: .8, container:this, x:50, y:50, alpha:1});
    var swfloader:SWFLoader = new SWFLoader("assets/"+_xml.LoaderMax[currentSegment].SWFLoader.@url, {name:"swf", container:this, x:750, y:20, onInit:initHandler, estimatedBytes:9500});


    Should I unload the current loader pair before loading the next/previous node?


    Thanks again for all your help!

  4. I'm porting an existing flash framework for an online course that previously had all of the assets hard coded in AS3 over to LoaderMax.


    I'm planning to externalize all references to the media assets (video, swf) along with course settings to a single XML and load with LoaderMax. The XML file also contains cuepoints for each node that trigger timeline labels using TimeLineMax when a videocuepoint is reached. I've done some testing using addASCuePoint with VideoLoader.


    Looking for suggestions on the structure of the XML so that it best supports the LoaderMax platform. Is it better to add the SWF reference as an inline attribute with the video parameters or as a node - allowing it to have its own parameters?


    Here is the XML I have so far:


    <coursename>Course 1</coursename>
    <LoaderMax name="videoListLoader" maxConnections="1" prependURLs="assets/">
    	<VideoLoader name="segment1" url="video1.mp4" height ="370" width="278" scaleMode="none" centerRegistration="true" alpha="0" autoPlay="false" volume=".5" swf="swf1"/>
    				<label>Introduction XX</label>
    				<caption>intro caption</caption>
    				<label>Idea 1</label>
    				<caption>Closing caption</caption>
    	<VideoLoader name="segment2" url="video2.mp4" height ="370" width="278" scaleMode="none" centerRegistration="true" alpha="0" autoPlay="false" swf="swf2"/>


    How are the Video & SWF files then loaded simultaneously with LoaderMax?

    Would it be better to load each video/swf/cuepoint node on demand (using getChildAt())?

    There is roughly 50mb of combined video files and swf's in the course with each segment around 2-3mb.


    I'm really excited about the elegant combination of LoaderMax & Tween/TimelineMax, but I'm having difficulty putting it all together.

  5. I've got a project that must be less than 30kb, so I'm using Tweenlite.


    Is there a way to hold a tween for a certain amount of time without using the delay parameter?

    I'd like to hold a tween for a few seconds before looping back to the function that starts the tween.


    This is the statement that I'm using now.

    TweenLite.to(button, 1.2, {delay:4, alpha:1, scaleX:1.0,scaleY:1.0, delay:3, blurFilter:{blurY:0, blurX:0},ease:Bounce.easeOut,onComplete:initScene});


    I could have sworn I used something like this in another project.


    Many Thanks!


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