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Posts posted by pflopez

  1. Hi there, I have a question:


    I'm loading some swf with loaderMax and when I do a simulated download whenever I change the swf I'm loading in a holder, the content is loaded again, like it's not being catched or something....


    I'm giving the content loaded in the main holder the same name; I don't know if that may be the problem.


    thanks in advance!

  2. Hi there,

    I'm trying to do a simple interface using loaderMax:

    an index.fla that loads external swf's ; basically a menu and a container on witch I load the content.

    I've used loaderMax to load the menu (on a sprite called menu) and "main.swf" on a sprite (called contenido)


    The menu has buttons that should change the content of the parent.container, but I can't seem to get the type casting or instance calling correclty

    here is the (some) code of the index class:

    public class index extends MovieClip
    	public var cargando_mc:loaderBase;
    	public var miMenu:menu; // this is my menu class
    	public var contenido:Sprite;
    	public function index() 
    		LoaderMax.defaultAuditSize = false;		
    		this.contenido = new Sprite();			
    		this.miMenu = new menu();			
    		var queue:LoaderMax = new LoaderMax( { name:"mainQueue", onProgress:progressHandler, onComplete:completeHandler, onError:errorHandler , auditSize:false } );
    		queue.append( new SWFLoader("main.swf", { name:"main", container:this.contenido, x:0, autoPlay:false } ) );
    		queue.append( new SWFLoader("menu.swf", {name:"menu", container:this.miMenu, x:0, autoPlay:false}) );


    and the class "menu"


    public class menu extends Sprite
    	public var bot1_btn:SimpleButton;
    	public var bot2_btn:SimpleButton;
    	public function menu() 
    		//bot2_btn = new SimpleButton();
    		if (bot1_btn == null) {
    		bot1_btn = new SimpleButton();	
    		bot1_btn.addEventListener(MouseEvent.CLICK, onClick);
    	public function onClick(evt:Event) {
    // this output an error: 
    TypeError: Error #1034: Type Coercion failed: cannot convert com.greensock.loading.display::ContentDisplay@4bf1191 to flash.display.MovieClip.


    I've also tried setting the original container as a property on menu.as but didn't work either...


    Any ideas how to acomplish this?

    I'm migrating from AS2 , so I'm not sure if this is a basic AS3 question or a greensock one :D

    Thanks in advance!

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