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Posts posted by ScottJenson

  1. OK, I'm digging into the 3rd example (GSAP Pixi Plugin) and I'm just fiddling with each line learning what each does. The critical bit is the multi step process of:

    • Loading displacementmap.png
    • Creating the displacementSprite using resources.displacement.texture

    My goal is to create the opposite of this, pushing into the surface instead of magnifying it larger. Is there any tutorial on how to create a displacement PNG?  I've attached the PNG that creates the bubble magnification effect. I can make this. I just need to know what each color+transparency means. I don't need hand holding, just point to to the spec that describes what RBGA values do what in the displacement map.  @OSUblake do you have any suggestions on where to find docs on how to create displacement maps for PIXI? 






  2. I'd like to take a canvas with an image in it and where I touch, the image 'dimples in' as if the surface was soft. As I then run my finger across the image, the dimple follows under my finger. It's like the image is on a soft plastic pillow.


    I was curious if anyone has done this animation before I give it a shot. I searched the examples (as this forum) and found nothing. 


    Assuming there is nothing, can anyone give me, as a novice GreenSock programmer, a hint as to which way I should approach this problem? As I see it these are the things I'll need to do:

    1) Initialize a canvas with an image (easy)

    2) Create a depression in the image at a location (the core ask)

    3) Animate the depression as the touch location changes (again, likely easy)


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