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Posts posted by SoldierCorp

  1. Hi @PointC thank you for your reply.


    I was testing that too but when the stagger ends the animation is not re-starting fluently like the video because in the video you could see that the bars are returning to the initial value once passed the animation then when it starts again, it will be fluent.


    I added a codepen, thank you!

  2. Hi!


    I am trying to transform or build this css animation into a GSAP timeline because with CSS is consuming too much CPU.


    The #bar-- is a g element of an svg that contains 80 bars


    @for $i from 80 through 1 {
        #wave-g__top--#{80 - $i} {
          animation-name: barOpacity;
          animation-iteration-count: infinite;
          animation-duration: 5s;
          animation-delay: $i * 0.065 + 0.25s;
    @keyframes barOpacity {
      from {
        opacity: 1;
      to {
        opacity: 0.2;

    This is animation I am getting with CSS https://i.gyazo.com/fec064c25c2456ce2c3e34e932a5607e.mp4


    and I thought this could be the similar in GSAP but is just not working, I am very new with this actually.


    const bars = document.querySelectorAll('#wave-g__top g')
    let tl = new TimelineMax({ repeat: -1 })
    bars.forEach((b, index) => {
      const delay = index * 0.065 + 0.25
      tl.to(b, 0.1, { opacity: 0.2 }, `-=${delay}`)


    See the Pen dybRXjq by SoldierCorp (@SoldierCorp) on CodePen

  3. Hi,


    I created a simple pen just to show you the issue I am having in my real project and is related to the transition-delay because I need the animation starts only when the mouse stays in the element the desire time and not before, with CSS is easy because the transition-delay is the one for the job but I don't know how to do the same using JS/GSAP, do you have any idea?


    In the following example you can see that if you pass your mouse over the orange div, the animation will be triggered only if you stay for more than 0.5s so you can like move your mouse over it and the animation will not be triggered but this is not happening with the blue one because if you put your mouse over the div and you moved out before the 0.5s, the animation still will be triggered.

    See the Pen WKZQYW by SoldierCorp (@SoldierCorp) on CodePen

  4. Hello!


    I am trying to build like a wave animation but using multiple elements, in the pen I left, there are 6 levels with some circles in each level.


    The current animation behavior is... each level of elements starts right after the previous one finish but the behavior I want to achieve it's like a fluid wave, so when the first level it's like at 50% of it's animation, the next level should starts and the same for the next levels, so a complete wave will be visible in the timeline and of course when the last level finish, the wave will start again.


    Can you help me with that please?

    See the Pen xWJdXv by SoldierCorp (@SoldierCorp) on CodePen

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