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Posts posted by callavar

  1. So I just got a little hover animation finished using TweenMax.to() and .from(), and I had it working perfectly(almost) within both codepen and jsfiddle. Then, when I transferred everything over to my website, something clearly went wrong, because the hover animations are no longer firing.


    The website is www.outbackbay.com if you'd like to see what I'm talking about. Checking the sources, I can tell that everything should be loading in right, I even added some console.logs and you can see that some, but not all are firing. They are being loaded in the right order, with the custom.js being loaded in last. The only thing that I can maybe think of is that jQuery versions may be different? I don't know how large of an effect that would cause, however. Please take the time to look over it and give me some sort of direction. Thank you.


    And by the way, I know the codepen looks like trash, I didn't want to take the time to get everything aligned. You can see how the hover animations are supposed to look, however.

    See the Pen vRrZer by callavar (@callavar) on CodePen

  2. Hello,


    I have just started using GSAP the past couple of days and let me just say, I absolutely love it. The functionality and smoothness of the animations are great and I love the amount of options it gives you. I have run into a problem, however. I am currently trying to use TweenMax.from() to fade in and move up a title for a planet when the planet is hovered over. When the mouse is moved away from the planet, the name fades back out. The issue is that after multiple times hovering and moving away, the location that the name moves too is not correct.


    I have a guess as to what's happening, and I don't know how to go about fixing it. I think that if the mouse is moved away from the planet before the name get's to it's set position, the position it was left on is now the "new" position and will be where the tween will try and place it on the next hover. What can I do to make sure this doesn't happen? I know I can create a timeline and reverse it, but I would like to not move the name down when it fades out, I'd like it to fade out at it's position, which means the reverse method wouldn't quite work. 


    Thank you for your time!

    See the Pen aYYryN by callavar (@callavar) on CodePen

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