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Posts posted by launchcatapult

  1. Hello! 


    I'm pretty new and still learning GSAP, which is pretty awesome and powerful.  I've been working on a horizontal website so as you scroll, animations are being triggered based on the scrolling position. I've combined GSAP with Scroll Magic to achieve this.


    You can see the site here - http://maric.launchcatapult.com/


    I have 5 main sections Home, WePartner, WeAdvise, WeServe, and WeEmpower. 


    I've created a cross over transition, which you can see towards the end and after all of the animation is completed of the "We Partner" section.  During this cross over transition animation, how can I make the timeline jump to the very start of the next section, which would be the "We Advise" section then continue on its animation from there?


    Another example that I've been looking at is from http://tram-house.com/. After you insert the key into the hole, they have that circular transition, then after that animation is complete it takes you to the beginning of the next section (also provided screen shots).


    Can any one direct me onto the right path to achieving this same thing? I know the tram-house.com site is using a canvas instead, but I know little to none about how to animate and draw shapes within canvas. That's why I'm just tweening svg shapes instead.



    Screen Shot 2018-04-10 at 8.11.09 PM.png

    Screen Shot 2018-04-10 at 8.09.00 PM.png

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