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Posts posted by Jemes

  1. Hi,


    Thanks for the reply.

    So I have a click event on a burger element that adds an active class to the nav element.



    When the active class is added the other tween using className removes active when actioned.


    .to($('nav'), 0.01, {css:{className:'+=scroll'}, ease: Linear.easeInOut })

    The tween above in only actioned once the page has been scrolled passed the header.

    I hope helps?




  2. Hi,

    I'm using the line below to add a scrolled class to an a nav element but when it's added it removes another dynamically added class from the nav.

    .to($('nav'), 0.01, {css:{className:'+=scroll'}, ease: Linear.easeInOut })

    Is there a way to only add the scrolled class and not remove the other class?





  3. Thanks Craig

    That works great.


    I'm now adding some more shapes so the inside fills one after the other in a circle effect but I'm having issues with the rotation for the second and third shapes.

    Would you know of the best way to solve this issue?





  4. Hi Guys


    I have a shape that animates with a clip-path so that it appears to be filling up on a rotation.


    When the animation stops I need the shape to have a hover effect where it scales up out of the page.


    My issue is that the clip-path is cutting off the scale hover, is there a way around this?





    See the Pen yKMBjm by Jemes (@Jemes) on CodePen

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