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Posts posted by dgrigg

  1. I have an SVG that I'm trying to animate. I have the same animation running here (https://pageproofer.com/) with no issue. The exact same code pasted into a new project doesn't work the animation doesn't do anything.


    The SVG loads into the page and then individual elements have different values set and animated.


    This is a sample of the 'sets'

    this.demoTl = gsap.timeline({ onComplete: this.restart });
    this.demoTl.set("#toolbar", { x: 801, opacity: 1 });
    this.demoTl.set("#screen", { opacity: 1, x: 801 });
    this.demoTl.set("#countdown", { opacity: 0 });
    this.demoTl.set("#countdown1", { opacity: 0 });
    this.demoTl.set("#countdown2", { opacity: 0 });
    this.demoTl.set("#countdown3", { opacity: 0 });


    All those elements exist and if I purposely misspell something GSAP notifies with a console message. When I inspect the elements no values have been set on them though and the animation never runs even though it shows the whole animation should be 55 seconds. 


    Does anyone know what I could be missing?

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