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Posts posted by adamco

  1. Thanks -  I notice the change you made from:

    _doc.visibilityState !== "hidden"


    ((_doc || {}).visibilityState  !== "hidden" 


    I suspect that will fix it.  Nice work!


    Since I was  only using TimelineMax I ended up changing it so that I only required the TimelineMax module

    // var gsap = require('gsap');
    // don't need the entire suite, so I'll just require TimelineMax on its own
    var TimelineMax = require('./node_modules/gsap/TimelineMax');


    So that way there is no TweenMax initialized which I think was an easier fix in my case. 




    By the way, first time poster, but long-time user of GreenSock (used to use AS version). I was delighted to discover it actually worked in node.js and was able to use it for orchestrating timelines of events on the server. Brilliant stuff! 


  2. Hi, thanks, a codepen wont replicate this issue because as I said, it is running in a node.js script, but the code is:


    var gsap = require('gsap');
    var timeline = new TimelineMax({
    				//repeat: -1
    				onStart: () => {
    					console.log('timeline started');
    timeline.add(() => { console.log ('test');}, 10 );
    timeline.add(() => { console.log ('test');}, 20 );
    timeline.add(() => { console.log ('test');}, 30 );
    timeline.add(() => { console.log ('test');}, 40 );


    It runs fine until the CPU gets under stress and then TweenMax seems to run into that issue where it is looking for a visibilityState on a _doc that doesnt exist.


  3. i am using TimelineMax in node and occasionally getting this:




    I am assuming this is because there is no doc with a visibilityState....


    Anyone have any ideas how I could fix this? Ideally without having to modify the gsap source


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