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Posts posted by Lixus

  1. OK, it's running now! :P

    What really did the trick was setting auditSize to false. I did this even before i posted the original post, but somehow the CDN did not deliver the updated file to me. :oops:

    It's still strange though that loading the file headers first in combination with the redirect caused the plugin to crash... Sadly, it's not easy reconstructable since it only happens in this particular server environment...

  2. First of all, thank you for your answer!

    I set auditSize to false in the LoaderMax and set the estimatedBytes for each loader, but this did not solve the problem...


    To answer your questions:


    1) The version of the LoaderMax i'm using is 1.52. I just noticed the latest is 1.761. I'll definitely try that new version!

    2) I didn't, yet... I will try that. I will also try loading the file directly from the remote server, shipping around the 302 redirect.

    3) The problem is that this only happens on this one specific server to which i don't even have direct FTP access... But i can PM you a link to the preview where you will see the problem.


    Here is the code i'm using to load the assets:


    private function loadMainAssets(event:Event = null):void
    		loader_main = new LoaderMax( { maxConnections : 1, auditSize : false } );
    		loader_main.addEventListener(LoaderEvent.IO_ERROR, function(e:LoaderEvent):void { trace("error occured with " + e.target + ": " + e.text); } );
    		loader_main.addEventListener(LoaderEvent.ERROR, function(e:LoaderEvent):void { trace("error occured with " + e.target + ": " + e.text); } );
    		loader_main.addEventListener(LoaderEvent.CHILD_FAIL, function(e:LoaderEvent):void { trace("error occured with " + e.target + ": " + e.text); } );
    		loader_main.addEventListener(LoaderEvent.OPEN, loaderOpen);
    		loader_main.addEventListener(LoaderEvent.COMPLETE, loaderComplete);
    		loader_main.addEventListener(LoaderEvent.PROGRESS, loaderProgress);
    		try{ loader_main.append(new ImageLoader("gfx/logo.png", { name:"logo", estimatedBytes: 50194 } )); } catch (e:Error) { trace(e); }
    		try{ loader_main.append(new ImageLoader("gfx/cursor_new.png", { name:"cursor", smoothing: true, estimatedBytes: 2919 } )); } catch (e:Error) { trace(e); }
    		try{ loader_main.append(new ImageLoader("gfx/cursor_new_hover.png", { name:"cursor_hover", estimatedBytes: 2802 } )); } catch (e:Error) { trace(e); }
    		try{ loader_main.append(new ImageLoader("gfx/menu_bg_1.png", { name:"menu_bg_1", estimatedBytes: 34604 } )); } catch (e:Error) { trace(e); }
    		try{ loader_main.append(new ImageLoader("gfx/menu_bg_2.png", { name:"menu_bg_2", estimatedBytes: 31109 } )); } catch (e:Error) { trace(e); }
    		try{ loader_main.append(new ImageLoader("gfx/menu_bg_3.png", { name:"menu_bg_3", estimatedBytes: 37859 } )); } catch (e:Error) { trace(e); }
    		try{ loader_main.append(new SWFLoader("gfx/assets.swf", { name:"assets", autoPlay:false, estimatedBytes: 1189071 } )); } catch (e:Error) { trace(e); }
    		try{ loader_main.append(new SWFLoader("gfx/videoplayer.swf", { name:"videoplayer", autoPlay:false, estimatedBytes: 27372 } )); } catch (e:Error) { trace(e); }
    		try{ loader_main.append(new SWFLoader("gfx/worldbuttons.swf", { name:"worldbuttons", autoPlay:false, estimatedBytes: 44907 } )); } catch (e:Error) { trace(e); }
    		try{ loader_main.append(new SWFLoader("gfx/thumb.swf", { name:"thumb", autoPlay:false, estimatedBytes: 7734 } )); } catch (e:Error) { trace(e); }
    		try{ loader_main.append(new SWFLoader("gfx/ui.swf", { name:"ui", autoPlay:false, estimatedBytes: 20516 } )); } catch (e:Error) { trace(e); }
    		try{ loader_main.append(new SWFLoader("gfx/agerating.swf", { name:"agerating", autoPlay:false, estimatedBytes: 6499 } )); } catch (e:Error) { trace(e); }
    		try{ loader_main.append(new XMLLoader("xml/dkcr_" + regio_language + regio_country + ".xml", { name:"xml", estimatedBytes: 26000 } )); } catch (e:Error) { trace(e); }
    		} catch (e:Error) { trace(e); }


    I think the easiest, but dirty solution is to directly load the files from the URL they're being redirected to. I'm beginning to think it's a bug in the content delivery network software that makes the redirects...


    Thank you again!

  3. Hi everyone,


    i've got a question regarding LoaderMax, maybe someone has had a similar problem... (This is no crossdomain.xml issue)


    I'm developing a Flash website with AS3 / FlashDevelop and rely on the LoaderMax class, mainly for loading Images and SWFs. The website runs well on all servers we tested, but not on the live server of our customer where it is supposed to be. If you open the site on the live server in Internet Explorer or Google Chrome, it crashes the Flash-Plugin completely. This happens when the loading progress begins.


    This live server is a rather complex structure of servers which i don't completely know. What's important is that the URLs of the files i'm trying to load are being redirected to another URL with a "302 moved temporarily" status.This seems to be the main problem because now my loader tries to load every single file up to 4 times (according to the FireBug network monitor). Here are the network logs for one file, for example: (logo.png, 49 KB)


    1 | 302 Moved Temporarily | 344 Byte | Original Server

    2 | 200 OK | 6.7 KB | Proxy Server

    3 | 302 Moved Temporarily | 344 Byte | Original Server

    4 | 206 Partial Content | 42.3 KB | Proxy Server


    Sometimes, the second and the last access are both "200 OK" aith the full 49 KB.


    This was inside Firefox, where the site actually loads and shows up. The problem occurs in IE (all versions) and Chrome.

    Is it possible that this somehow kills the ActiveX Plugin and the Chrome one, and might this have something to do with LoaderMax? Did anybody ever have a similar problem?


    Thank you in advance!



  4. Hay, thanks for your super-fast answer!


    I just noticed that in another class in the same project i need exactly the other behavior - firing the COMPLETE even if not all loaders succeed... :D

    But this helps, actually. I'll just set skipFailed, this seems to be exactly what i'm looking for.

    Thank you again!



  5. Hey,


    First of all: Thank you for this absolutely great loading class, i was blasted away when i found this! (And remembered all the headaches i had over preloading in my previous projects :mrgreen: )


    I've got one problem with my recent project though: I'm loading multiple images and videos. Some of them may not be on the server at the time the script looks for them (Which is perfectly OK with me - i just try to load them and if not i skip the slides in which they are). I have listeners for onComplete and onError. If one of the images in my queue cannot be loaded, the error is thrown correctly. Still, the onComplete Event fires! Is this a bug or a feature or did i do or understand something wrong?


    Here is the fragment of code with the loaders:

    public function loadContent():void
    loader = new LoaderMax( { name: "content_loader", onComplete: onLoadContentComplete, onError: onLoadContentError } );
    for each(var element:XML in xml.elements()) {
    	switch (element.name().localName) {
    		case "img":
    			loader.append(new ImageLoader(Main.URL_MEDIA + element.@src, { name: element.@src, x: element.@xpos, y: element.@ypos, width: element.@width, height: element.@height } ));
    		case "vid":
    			loader.append(new VideoLoader(Main.URL_MEDIA + element.@src, { name: element.@src } ));


    Thank you in advance,



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