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Posts posted by ecsancho

  1. Greetings! I ran into a weird issue when I enable Scroll Smoother it places my scroll triggers at the bottom of my content container when I test in mobile dimensions using dev tools and ios safari browser, however when is remove Scroll Smoother the triggers are at the correct locations. If anyone can please give me any pointers? Thanks in advance!


    let smoother = ScrollSmoother.create({
                wrapper : "#smooth-wrapper",
                content : "#main-container",
                smoothTouch: 0.1,
                onUpdate: this.scrollProgress,
                normalizeScroll: true
    	 gsap.set("#box", {
                width: 200,
                height: 200,
                backgroundColor: "#ff0000"
    	 gsap.to("#box", {
                    trigger: "#box",
                    scrub: true,
                    markers: true,
                    start: "top center",
        			end: "bottom+=20 top",
                    onEnter: ()=>{
                    // pin: true
                rotation: 360,
                duration: 6



  2. I need to track velocity because I want to do a certain animation when velocity hits certain ranges, I just didn't include the code in my sample. I believe this might work as long the initial velocity is not a large number. I'll give it try. Thanks for the responses!

    • Like 2
  3. Hi  I'm wondering if there's a way to set a max velocity? I'm using a proxy div and having my elements respond the proxy.x positions the problem is with a slight flick sends my elements flying off screen because of the start velocity is a large number so I think restraining the max velocity will solve this.


    Here's my setup

    let proxy = $("<div>");
    Draggable.create(proxy, {
      trigger: box,
      	//code for elements.x = this.x
      snap:function(endValue) { 
                    return Math.round(endValue / 80) * 80;


  4. I've ran into the same problem and the issue is with Scroll Magic not completing it's calculations as you scroll fast. A work around for your navigation is to put a timer delay on nav clicks to prevent the user from spamming clicks but this doesn't solve the issue if the users drags the scroll bar. What you'll have to do is determine if scroll bar is clicked and pre-calculate your scenes or setup a timer on mouserelease check which scenes are not visible and calculate there off states. This is a very hacky and not elegant solution by any means and is a lot of work to implement. This is the very reason I'm going to avoid using scroll magic and rather use a custom scroller where I can control all scroll interactions. 


    Good luck!

  5. Thanks for the reply. I'm trying to switch all my jquery mobile touch events (tap, swipe left/right) to Gsap Draggable because jquery feels  unresponsive, like there's a short delay to respond and Gsap feels so much more smoother and responsive. So how would I go about detecting tap and then respond with a function?  Something like Draggable.tap('#button', {}) ?  

  6. Okay I still can't get this to work in adobe edge.


    Here's the codeden source that I'm basically using in edge

    See the Pen yvjCl by anon (@anon) on CodePen


    This works in code pen. In edge I'm importing the svg to the stage and name it "arrow"


    This works in edge. And the width tweens fine. But I'm looking for is to modify the fill color of the shape inside the arrow


    var arrow =  sym.$("arrow")

    TweenMax.to(arrow, 2, { width:100});


    This does not work


    var testme = sym.$("#testme");

    TweenMax.to(testme, 2, { fill:"red"});



    var testme = sym.$("arrow").find("polygon")

    TweenMax.to(testme, 2, { fill:"red"})



    var testme = sym.$("arrow").find("#testme")

    TweenMax.to(testme, 2, { fill:"red"})


    What gives? Any idea folks? Thanks in advance

  7. I'm not near my computer at the moment I'll investigate tomorrow morning. I'm using Adobe edge and imported the svg to the stage and was targetting it with getSymbol(), so I'm not sure if I was targeting the shape inside. But thanks for the quick replies fellas. Much appreciation.

  8. Greetings I'm trying to change the color of an SVG but it appears this functionality is not supported or I'm doing something wrong. here's what I've tried


    arrow is the name of my svg, and tweening width/height works but not color changing


    TweenMax.to(arrow, 2, {fill:"#ff0000"});

    TweenMax.to(arrow, 2, {color:"#ff0000"});

    TweenMax.to(arrow, 2, {css:{fill:"#ff0000"}});


    Can anyone please point me in the right direction? Thanks

  9. Greetings!


    I have an issue with ImageLoader not scaling properly. Here's my code snippet


    loader = new ImageLoader(src, {name:"default", container:this, x:0, y:0, width:300, height:200,   scaleMode:"proportionalInside", autoDispose:true,   centerRegistration:false,  onComplete:onComplete});


    The problem with this is that image is actually scaling to 400width x 300height... em I missing something here? I tried to set the scale mode to different settings but it still scales at larger dimension than what I specified. Please Help!


    Also when I trace the width of loader.content it shows the width 300 which is what I specified, however when I trace with width of the container which is placed in it traces out 390... but when I screen shot and and measure the dimensions in photoshop I get 370px width.... this has me really confuse. Is there a way to get the actual bitmap width?


    Thank you.

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