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Posts posted by phoenixwebb

  1. I have a for loop that I'm using to morph two complex SVGs. This animation will morph several paths to other paths and return the color of each path. This piece works very well. However, I incorporated a loop for scrolling in leveraging ScrollMagic, and I can no longer seem to get the "fill" property for each of my SVG Paths. You can see the code I am struggling with below the first one. I have commented out the JS lines that are causing my error, it the morphing works correctly, but I can seem to find the "fill" elements for each of my paths so that I can pass them to the MorphSVG. Any help is appreciated and I'm sure this is a Newbie question, so I apologize in advance. 

    See the Pen aEKXOv by phoenixwebb (@phoenixwebb) on CodePen


    with this codepen (below) with the error.

    See the Pen aEjLGZ?editors=1111 by phoenixwebb (@phoenixwebb) on CodePen


    See the Pen aEjLGZ?editors=1111 by phoenixwebb (@phoenixwebb) on CodePen

  2. I have a for loop that I'm using to morph two complex SVGs. This animation will morph several paths to other paths and return the color of each path. This piece works very well. However, I need to be able to call this function on ScrollMagic. The problem I face is that I cannot figure out how to execute the "for loop" within the tween. I'm basically trying to combine my codepen  (below)

    See the Pen aEKXOv by phoenixwebb (@phoenixwebb) on CodePen


    with this codepen (below)


    I know this is probably very easy, but I just can't seem to figure this out. Can anyone please help? 

    See the Pen xOoOyv by GreenSock (@GreenSock) on CodePen



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