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Doug Dodge

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Posts posted by Doug Dodge

  1. Ha ha ha!!!  Yeah, well, there's that.


    Let me ask this, if I may prevail upon your kindness: is there a simple, discreet list of features, add-ins, and their intended purpose(s)?  Like an old library card index?

  2. Jack,


    Apologies, I kept getting prompted for a CodePen and obviously had no idea what it was (I did, however, say I had been absent. :-)


    I primarily develop data-related solutions, including keeping old solutions, which are typically "home grown" alive.  In this case, a student registration system in Ireland.  One very important component of the overall process is to 'surface' "what is", "what is good", "what is bad", and so forth.  That is, take the current system's version of the business process as represented in the code, and make it visible.  And, if possible, create a document that also surfaces the technical information. Table structures, trigger rules, and all of the other internals in the current system in order to help those who may need to know various things.  


    I had the thought that using some sort of layered approach, visually indicated in some fashion, would be ideal - in the sense that it would allow the person using it to 'see' into the system's internals.   In other words, represent data flow, process flow, process logic and other 'views' that historically may have been represented by flowcharts visually.  


    I haven't seen this done anywhere, so I figured I'd use GreenSock to roll my own.  And, I was asking for a list of types of widgets those far more experienced than I am might say, "Oh, yeah! you need a fratzen wrench." :-D I am like the proverbial pig looking at a wristwatch when it comes to GreenSock, and if you know of a list that says "this widget does that", or where that list is, I'd be very grateful.


    Thank you, by the way, for asking.





  3. Hi Folks,


    About four years ago I purchased GreenSock- I was that impressed. And, I haven't done one stinking thing with it. 8-) That's no one's fault - just the way the cookie crumbles sometimes.  Having said that, I am still convinced this is the product of choice - but I'd sure like a reality check, please.


    I am in the US and helping a client in Ireland with an old program, and given I am an old developer, that makes a bit of sense.  That, and I've been working with the product for over 30 years - probably helps a little :) 


    I'd like to take screenshots, say, using Snagit, create hotspots all over the place, and animate various processes, including data relationships, actual process flow, etc.  The end result would be something of an amalgam of tutorial, help resource, developer knowledge storehouse (we're reverse engineering poo into fertilizer :), if you get my drift.)  3D all over the place moving layers, exploding sequences and all.


    If any of that makes sense, would you be so kind as to point me to where I need to go to learn?  I think visually, I suppose.  Here's a pathway, coated with Strontium Aluminate, animated by motion sensors. I want my computer animations to be top drawer, and I do think this might be the place to get my head right.  


    Thanks in advance!




    See the Pen by (@) on CodePen

  4. More like a cockroach. You can't kill the dang things. :)


    @PointC (Craig) - Thank you for the kind words. Appreciated. The matter between you and @Dipscom (a.k.a. PT - Yes, I know how to find my way around) is between the two of you. :) 


    I've been an online citizen since the late 70's when we'd dial up a BBS, drop a question and log off. Dial back later, check messages, rinse and repeat. I honestly don't know why this has always fascinated me but I remember waaaay back a neighbor across the street had one of his ham radio buddies, I think in Germany, send me a teletype "hello". So cool. :)


    I'll provide the details at some point but when my wife and I went through an extremely difficult time my online friends were there. Lots of fun stories - for later.



  5. Thanks! And mind yourself sonnie! :) 


    The funny thing about that is that whole age thing is that while I was getting up @ 4:00 - 4:30 here a year ago or so, and on many days working until 1-2:30 with one or two overnighters, my younger colleagues were all whining at how tired they were. And, while doing that I moved some 15 tons of materials in my yard building this. I have more but they're too large currently.


  6. @Carl, that is so perfect! Thank you kindly. (Old guy talk for "What's up, yo?") You provided me the perspective (pun definitely intended :) ) I needed. I will view the suggested videos. Thank you


    @Dipscom, not sure how to "upvote" folks here yet but the both of you get one. I do intend to wring out javascript as you suggested. My goal of getting to the heart of the matter has been achieved which I am anticipating will yield greater focus efficiencies. With respect to helping others, I intend to so do. I've started by impressing on folks the notion, "I don't want to be like that guy!" and, no doubt have, in so doing, saved thousands. LOL OK, well, maybe impress on them that being a dumb*** actually IS worse than being a smart***. :)

    • Like 3
  7. Hi Jack,


    Thank you for your kind words. I'll ignore your smartass question until the end of this reply. :) 


    Yeah, well, see what all those years will do to your brain? :) Let me see if I can't rephrase the question. I was a little vague but I did say I was expecting to ask some dumb questions. :) I am unfamiliar with both GreenSock and the general state of affairs in the sense that I also don't quite yet know the right questions I'd need to ask. Essentially, I am looking for boundaries and best practices for developing inside of those boundaries. There appear to be a lot of competing products in each area (and a ton of folks who seem to be ripping off the ideas of others which I have little tolerance for - this is hard work and folks should get a fair shake and not have someone steal their intellectual property) and I was wondering what you, and the others might suggest.  Let me try this;


    Two dots and a dash.  Where am I? Where do I need to go? And what's the shortest route there? I know where I am (or not as the case may be. :))  I was wondering if you had any guidance on both the "where" issue and the "how" part? And that's why the question was vague. So, other than GreenSock, in order to have the best set of tools, with an emphasis on javascript and with a desire to carry as little unneeded extra baggage, what should someone like myself look at? I enjoy this stuff but want to get up to speed as quickly as possible and waste as few moves as well and advice from folks like yourself is valuable. 


    Specifically with GreenSock, am I able to have full control over all image-related content? If so, I am currently interested in exact dimension size and placement control. After that, I am interested in the timeline approach but I expect that will be pretty easy from what I've read so far.


     So, just interested in where I can find this in your documentation or would the forum be best? I can always circle around for anything specific I can't figure out on my own. 


    Now, with respect to the comment on whether or not computers existed when I was a kid. Why, yes, they did. They were called 'fingers', 'paper', and these funny yellow things called 'pencils' :) and they worked in both directions - uphill. In the snow. And we didn't have shoes. No erasers though. We ate those. We put men on the moon with a computer with around 64KB RAM and that ran at something like 0.043Mhz. Those guys put men on the moon with that stuff. A total set of onions in my book. :) I really appreciate that you feel comfortable enough to throw that load of poo at me. :) Made me laugh and made my day. I consider that a high honor. 


    On a little more serious note, and I will come right out and say it, is that I have looked at your product and have been impressed a lot by it and I decided I'd toss my hat in the GreenSock ring. Statistically speaking I don't have as much time left to learn and help others so I want to get right to it. I just wanted your candid opinion of where any 'holes' might still be and what should I use in that case?


    You are correct, my site is not currently using GreenSock. It will as soon as I complete my due diligence and am comfortable I have all my bases covered. For example, I got that background MP4 file down from 49MB to 731KB and I only want the best and I think your product is good enough. 


    Yes, I did watch that video and about 15 others on YouTube. 



  8. Hi Folks! 


    So, yeah, an 'old dog' here. I've been in the field for >30 years, mainly on the back end of things with data-related chores - growing mushrooms. LOL Recently I decided, after 3-4 years of 5:30 AM --> 1:30 AM work I am taking a break to brush up on my skillset(s). I am having an absolute blast! Especially with the graphics-related issues. Great challenges. I hope all of you, after as many years, will have the same conclusion. Life's too short not to.


    OK, now all the gushy stuff is over :) here's what I am hoping you might do; provide a bit of your advice for a few questions I have to help me 'get' the big picture as you see it. My website is dataminders.com. It is incomplete as I have been using it to learn, which is fine given that the boss is a good guy. WP , SmartSlider 3, Back & forth between Elementor & GeneratePress and looking at ThriveThemes. com offerings. 


    • All images SVG except the one MP4 water.
    • A sailing ship becomes visible, filling the whole screen & ends up at 75% opacity.
    • Several layers of text appear all positioned properly. Anchor points I am thinking?
    • On another screen, the text does a reverse text-to-dust transition.
    • Control over positioning, currently bottom-right.
    • Scaling next.


    So, my basic question and goal would be to use as few libraries as possible overall. My hope is that I can do everything with the GereenSock product as my research finds it at the top of the proverbial heap for all-things-graphic.  Anything else I'd like to write in javascript for the learning experience. My current 'nit' is the extra height I still have after a dynamic resize. So, I thought the time was right to ask here. I had a bit of trouble finding some answers online at this site but also thought that you'd expect folks to not be as green as I am. I'd love to provide feedback as I am totally new at this and will ask all the dumb question and I was thinking that if I could send these somewhere maybe that will pay a little back for all the pain. :) 


    I guess I'm asking for a few bits of condensed wisdom that will aid me in sorting through all the noise out there. I'd like to have as little learning time going down dead-end paths as possible and was hoping you guys might have a bit of friendly advice. And, of course, I'd dearly love to help anyone in return. 






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