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David Barker

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Posts posted by David Barker

  1. Hello,


    I love GSAP! Thank you so much for creating it.


    I'm running into a problem that I suspect has a simple answer but that I'm just missing. In the Codepen () you'll see I have 4 messages in a chat. I want them to appear one after another, but I need to set the positions/scales/etc. for them to animate from. If I do this in the child timeline, then the sets are only called once each child timeline starts, so on the master timeline, all messages are visible at the beginning and then each one disappears to then reappear.


    I'd like to run the set commands on each child timeline at the start of the master timeline, so that every message is hidden right at the beginning of the master timeline.


    Thanks in advance!


    See the Pen MQXXjm?editors=0010 by dbcongravity (@dbcongravity) on CodePen

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