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Posts posted by bruno.swf

  1. Again I apologize for the english, I'm using Google Translate.


    I'm having a problem with an img object, I'm animating it with rotateX, is working perfectly. But when it animates, is set to top his property, and he lines up in my website is at bottom. So when you resize the window, it does not follow the footer and the layout misalignment.


    How can I solve this?


    I'm using:

    TweenMax.from(cenario_rodape,	 0.5, { css:{ rotationX:-90, transformOrigin:"center bottom" }, ease:Back.easeOut })


    Thank you.

  2. First, sorry for my english, I'm using Google Translate.


    I'm trying to get the effect shown below, only for studies.




    Mas está ficando assim.




    Realize that the effect of perspective is quite different. The objects just seem to have a greater or lesser scale and not the distance between them.


    I'm doing this:


    jQuery(document).ready(function($) {
    	 var container = $('.container');
    	 var box = $('.box');
    var container_perspective = 600;
    	 $('section .box').each(function(index){
    		 TweenMax.to($(this), 0, { css:{z:getRamdon(-100,100), transformPerspective:container_perspective} });
    	 $('section').on('mousemove', function(e){
    		 var w_section = $(this).width();
    		 var h_section = $(this).height();
    		 var p_px = ((e.pageX - w_section / 2) / (w_section / 2));
    		 var p_py = ((e.pageY - h_section / 2) / (h_section / 2));
    		 var r_y = 70 * p_px;
    		 var r_x = -70 * p_py;
    		 TweenMax.to(container, 1, { css:{rotationY:r_y, rotationX:r_x, transformPerspective:container_perspective} });		 });
     function getRamdon (min, max) {
    	 return Math.random() * (max - min) + min;


    Thank you.

  3. Hello


    I have a problem with LiquidStage.

    This left 1px footer, depending on the height of the browser.


    Here is a printscreen of the error for viewing.

    Is to note that the 1px white and between the bottom edge of the browser.


    What's the solution?

  4. Hello.

    I'm having a problem with LiquidArea.

    He has a maxWidth set, but I would like it to be centered on the screen after that width is reached.


    The code I'm using is this:

    var _ls:LiquidStage		= new LiquidStage(this.stage, 1000, 590, 1000, 590);
    var _la_mat:LiquidArea 	= new LiquidArea(this, 50, 450, 900, 90, 0xff0000, 900, 90, 1200, 90, false);
    _la_mat.pinCorners(_ls.BOTTOM_LEFT, _ls.BOTTOM_RIGHT, true);
    _la_mat.preview = true;


    Any solution?


    Text by GoogleTranslate

  5. Hello

    I'm trying to use the LiquidArea to position an object, without sizing it, but I can not.

    The object is not in the correct position when I set ScaleMode.NONE, but if I set any kind of ScaleMode it aligns properly.


    Below the code I'm using.


    import com.greensock.layout.LiquidStage;
    import com.greensock.layout.LiquidArea;
    import com.greensock.layout.ScaleMode;
    import com.greensock.layout.AlignMode;
    var _ls:LiquidStage = new LiquidStage(this.stage, 1000, 590);
    var _la:LiquidArea = new LiquidArea(this, 760, 75, 200, 200, 0x990000, 200, 200, 200, 200);
    _la.preview = true;
    _la.pinCorners(_ls.TOP_RIGHT, _ls.BOTTOM_RIGHT);
    _la.attach(mc, ScaleMode.NONE, AlignMode.RIGHT, AlignMode.TOP);


    Thank you.


    Ps.: Translated by Google Translate.

  6. I do not know if using bitmapData solve my problem.

    To be clear, I'll explain what I'm doing.


    I carry a picture, and cut it into several pieces, those pieces will appear random-mind, with the effects of alpha and ColorTransform.


    This is the link of the effect that I'm doing:http://tikiweb.com.br/bruno_teste/image_effect/effect.swf


    Is there any other way to apply these effects in parts of the picture without cutting it?



  7. I'm using LiquidArea to resize a MovieClip. There are smaller MovieClips inside that MovieClip, and those MovieClips are positioned in a "puzzle" fashion, filling all the stage area (no space between them).


    Here's the problem: when the LiquidArea gets resized, the MovieClips become disconnected from each other; i.e, there is now space between the MovieClips, which was not there before the resize.


    I've attached two images to this message so you can see the problem.




  8. Hello...


    How can I create a LiquidArea with crop?


    I have a LiquidArea centered on my stage, I added an image using the mode ScaleMode.PROPORTIONAL_OUTSIDE.

    But I want to hide what's coming out of LiquidArea.




    Ps.: English by Google Translate.

  9. I've used the code you mentioned, now everything is working fine.

    The "menu", though, does not start with the proper width, which should be 100%.

    I've solved that using the following code:

    var w:Number = this.stage.stageWidth;
    var x:Number = (1000 - this.stage.stageWidth) / 2;
    var _ls:LiquidStage = LiquidStage.getByStage(this.stage);
    var _la:LiquidArea = new LiquidArea(this, x, 0, w, 100);
    _la.attach(_bg, ScaleMode.WIDTH_ONLY);
    _la.pinCorners(_ls.TOP_LEFT, _ls.BOTTOM_RIGHT);


    By doing that, the menu width and X position are both correct. Is there an easier way to fix this?

  10. I made a simple example of what is happening.

    The link is: http://tikiweb.com.br/bruno_teste/liquid_stage/



    import com.greensock.layout.LiquidStage;
    import com.greensock.layout.LiquidArea;
    import flash.display.MovieClip;
    import com.greensock.layout.ScaleMode;
    import com.greensock.loading.SWFLoader;
    import flash.display.StageAlign;
    import com.greensock.layout.AlignMode;
    import flash.events.Event;
    stage.scaleMode = StageScaleMode.NO_SCALE;
    stage.align = StageAlign.TOP;
    var _ls:LiquidStage = new LiquidStage(this.stage, 1000, 590, 1000, 590, 99999999, 99999999);
    var _la:LiquidArea = new LiquidArea(this, 0, 0, 1000, 590);
    var _bg:MovieClip = mc_bg as MovieClip;
    var _target_menu:MovieClip = mc_target_menu as MovieClip;
    var _base:String = this.stage.loaderInfo.loaderURL.substr(0, this.stage.loaderInfo.loaderURL.indexOf("main.swf"));
    _la.attach(_bg, ScaleMode.PROPORTIONAL_OUTSIDE);
    var _load_menu:SWFLoader = new SWFLoader(_base + "menu.swf", {name:"menu", container:_target_menu});
    _la.pinCorners(_ls.TOP_LEFT, _ls.BOTTOM_RIGHT);



    import flash.display.MovieClip;
    import com.greensock.layout.LiquidStage;
    import com.greensock.layout.LiquidArea;
    import com.greensock.layout.ScaleMode;
    import flash.events.Event;
    var _bg:MovieClip = mc_bg as MovieClip;
    this.addEventListener(Event.ADDED_TO_STAGE, this_ADDED_TO_STAGE);
    function this_ADDED_TO_STAGE (e:*):void
    var _ls:LiquidStage = new LiquidStage(this.stage, 1000, 100, 1000, 100);
    var _la:LiquidArea = new LiquidArea(this, 0, 0, 1000, 100);
    _la.attach(_bg, ScaleMode.WIDTH_ONLY);
    _la.pinCorners(_ls.TOP_LEFT, _ls.BOTTOM_RIGHT);


    As you can see, the _bg in "main" adjusts itself to the window when it gets maximized, but the _bg in "menu" doesn't.

  11. Yes, I've been using LiquidStage for a while now.

    This is the first time I'm having trouble with it. Just to emphasize, the resize event is correctly dispatched in the main movie. The dispatch problem occurs only in external movies. :?



  12. Hi,


    I'm having some issues with LiquidStage.

    I've got 'movie main' set up, in which I load both 'movie menu' and 'movie home'. Both of them have their respective LiquidStages defined.

    When I resize 'main' everything goes well, but when I maximize the windows they don't get organized.

    It seems that the LiquidStage resizing action is only dispatched when the window is manually resized.


    Could somebody please help me on this?



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