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Posts posted by TeamChuck

  1. Actually, if you wouldn't mind if I picked your brain some more, this could seal the deal.


    With the physics2D and the physicsProps plugin...this question is for either one...is there a way of tracing the current velocity and angle of whatever object is being tweened at any given time? If that's the case I'm sold.


    I'm trying to build a basketball game. It's the first game I've attempted, and the first time since highschool(2001) that I've had to do any physics calculations. Simple collision detection, it's either a vertical or horizontal obejct that is collided with.

  2. Darn...that would have been pretty cool.


    I've been going over some of the plugins you offer that you get for being part of the GreenSock club, I think I'm going to break down and get the middle one so I can have the two physics plugins and the custom ease.

  3. I have another question regarding the bezierThrough. I'd like to update the ending location. I know my syntax is wrong though:


    TweenMax.updateTo(bBall,{bezierThrough:[{x:pX, y:pY},{x:eX, y:eY}],false)


    eX and eY being my end X and end Y values.

  4. I honestly wasn't sure how I was going to trace the path the object takes. I've been trying to figure out a way of using curveTo() but the more I try and the more I search for a solution, the more I'm realizing that unless the start and end y values are the same, its next to impossible to make it accurate.


    What I've done so far, but it makes a jagged line, is to use a delayedCall and run the same function over and over taking the objects current position and using lineTo until the object comes to a rest.




    So as I was writing this I started looking up onUpdate and that does exactly what my delayedCall was doing. Only better. I'm really wishing I had have found the onUpdate special property...oooooh...about eight hours ago. One of those days.

  5. Hey, thanks for your reply. Trying to create my own custom ease but having some difficult.


    import com.greensock.easing.CustomEase;
    var myEase:Function = CustomEase.create("myCustomEase", [{s:0,cp:0.51,e:0.76},{s:0.76,cp:1.01,e:1}]);
    TweenMax.to(bBall, 2, {bezierThrough:[{x:pX, y:pY},{x:eX, y:eY}], ease:myEase.ease});


    Gives me these errors:

    Line 1 -- 1172: Definition com.greensock.easing:CustomEase could not be found.

    Line 2 -- 1120: Access of undefined property CustomEase.

    Line 3 -- 1119: Access of possibly undefined property ease through a reference with static type Function.


    I've also been trying to use .parseBeziers but haven't been able to.



    I think my understanding of this is off though, what parameters do I pass through? Do I give it the start point, end point and control point x/y values?

  6. I've been going through the ease visualizer trying to figure out which tween would work best for what I need. This has probably been an oft answered question but I haven't been able to find anything.


    I'm throwing an object. So the ease I would need would start off at max speed, decrease to nearly zero in the middle and then increase to the max speed. For an object going straight up and down, Sine.easeOut(up) and Sine.easeIn(down) simulate the correct effect but I'm having the object follow a bezier path. Is there a way to create a custom ease method or can the ease method be replaced half way through(although I don't see this working)?

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