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Posts posted by inorganik

  1. I couldn't find any existing threads on 3d because the stupid search engine on this board ignores 2 character words.


    Does Greensock support 3D tweens? From what I tested, it does not. For instance:

    Tweenlite.to(mySquare, 1, {rotationX:45}); // it suddenly changes, there is no tween.


    Same with:


    Tweenlite.to(mySquare, 1, {z:145});


    Any info you could give me is helpful. Thanks,

  2. So, you can do this


    TweenLite.to(eventItem2, .5, {y:"200", ease:Expo.easeOut});


    And make "eventItem2" move 200 pixels from wherever it's at. The quotes make it relative. But how do you exchange "200" with a variable and keep the value relative? I am using the tween in a dynamic function that figures the distance on the fly, but I need it to be relative to where it's at, not a coordinate.



  3. I should've specified, I want the function's arguments to include the values for onComplete and onCompleteParams. So I'm asking what would that look like? Basically, fill in the blanks below:


    function alphDown (mc:MovieClip, func:_______, params:_______):void {
    TweenLite.to(mc, .5, {alpha:0, onComplete:func, onCompleteParams:[params]});


    Also, as I said, I want to be able to execute that function sometimes without the onComplete. I've found however that when you execute a function in AS3 with missing arguments, you get the error I mentioned. So would I pass "null"? Or just write a separate function w/o the onComplete?

  4. Hi, I love using TweenLite, especially in functions, for instance:


    function alphUp (mc:MovieClip, del:Number):void {
    TweenLite.to(mc, 1, {delay:del, alpha:1});


    However, if I want to add an "onComplete" and "onCompleteParams" to it, how do I identify the arguments properly in the function? Also, if I want to call the function without the onComplete, what can I do to avoid getting the "missing arguments" error?


    Thanks in advance!

  5. I've been toughing it out in AS3 on a recent project, to create a touchscreen interface. To set up the different screens of the interface, I'm using different frames on the timeline. So after a button is pressed, an object is tweened to the corner and then I want the playhead to go to a frame with that menu-item's info on it. So I used this:


    TweenLite.to(option_A, 1, {x:252, y:163, ease:Expo.easeOut, onComplete:gotoAndStop(2)});


    However the tween is skipped and it goes to that frame immediately, and I get the error- "TypeError: Error #1009: Cannot access a property or method of a null object reference."


    Judging by AS3 "improvements" I've seen, I probably need to add a couple ":void"s or "event:EVENT:eVeNt"s in there somewhere, but I have no idea where to begin. Any ideas?


    Thanks in advance.

  6. Thanks for sharing. And I agree that flash isn't going anywhere anytime soon. I am kind of a jack-of-all trades web designer, and with assignments I'm given I find myself opening up Flash not because I want to, but because I need to.


    I was actually talking about javascript though, not HTML5. I agree HTML5 is overhyped. I think javascript what to get excited about. As far as I'm concerned, HTML5 just allows what we've already been doing on the web to validate. But given the similarities between javascript and actionscript, do you think that's a world you'd ever explore? What with the mobile viability and all. jQuery is kind of a "tweenLite" for javascript. I wonder if you could push it even further with your skills.

  7. Once again, thanks so much for the help. I realize how rare it is to get this quality of help on the web, especially for a free product. And, really good to know about the MOUSE_OVER vs. ROLL_OVER.


    This is quite off-topic, but I am curious about how you feel about Apple's stance on flash- flash has always been a very exciting platform of engagement for me, but Jobs makes some very good arguments against using it on mobile devices. I kind of agree with him, and having dabbled in jquery and other java technologies, see javascript as replacing many of flash's duties on the web (however I don't know of a way to reproduce the tweening nav that you have been helping me with). I have read articles by flash developers who argue against Jobs. But it seems to me someone with your skill might begin to focus on an advanced animation platform based on javascript? It would be in high demand.

  8. Started to implement this solution and ran into a problem- I'm doing the same function over and over (which is why I wanted to just pass arguments through the triggered function in the first place) so I'm not sure what the best way to optimize this code is- do I need to rename the "overHandler" function for each object? Seems like a lot of extra code for such a great improvement ;)


    The code below is my actual code, before I simplified it for the example.

    function movBar(pos:Number, wid:Number):void {
    TweenLite.to(orangeBar, .5, {x:pos, width:wid});
    btn_about.addEventListener(MouseEvent.MOUSE_OVER, overHandler);
    function overHandler(event:Event):void {
       movBar(39, 51.5);
    btn_portfolio.addEventListener(MouseEvent.MOUSE_OVER, overHandler);
    function overHandler(event:Event):void {
       movBar(140.5, 81.5);
    btn_approach.addEventListener(MouseEvent.MOUSE_OVER, overHandler);
    function overHandler(event:Event):void {
       movBar(255.5, 81);
    btn_blog.addEventListener(MouseEvent.MOUSE_OVER, overHandler);
    function overHandler(event:Event):void {
       movBar(350.5, 9);
    btn_contact.addEventListener(MouseEvent.MOUSE_OVER, overHnadler);
    function overHandler(event:Event):void {
       movBar(440, 71);

  9. I'm finally getting around to AS3 and the transition is painful. What I'm trying to do is pass function arguments in a event-listened function, if that makes sense.


    So whereas in AS2 I would go


    blurToX = function (mc,  amount) {
    TweenMax.to(mc, 1, {blurFilter:{blurX:amount}});
    myButton.onRollover = function () {
           blurToX(myClip1, 100);

    Now in AS3 I have

    myButton.addEventListener(MouseEvent.MOUSE_OVER, blurToX(myClip, 100));

    But how would I write the triggered function, blurToX()? The "e:Event" part and ":void" at the end confuse me- where do my function arguments- "myclip" and "100" fit in?


    Why do I need the e:event piece anyway if I'm specifying a function? Why do we need void if it's always typed? AS3 is frustrating.


    Thanks for your help.

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