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Posts posted by adamengstrom

  1. Hello everybody,


    I´m new to using the Greensock engines and I completely love them, and I have a question about repeating a timelinemax with as2.


    I would like the entire sequence to repeat when the last tween is finished, but i just can´t get it to work.


    Here is the code:


    import com.greensock.*;

    import com.greensock.easing.*;




    text2._alpha = 0;

    bow2._alpha = 0;

    text3._alpha = 0;

    bow3._alpha = 0;


    var myTimeline:TimelineMax = new TimelineMax({repeat:-1});



    myTimeline.insert( new TweenLite.to(text1, 2, {_alpha:0, delay:4, overwrite:false}) );

    myTimeline.insert( new TweenLite.to(bow1, 2, {_alpha:0, delay:4, overwrite:false}) );


    myTimeline.insert( new TweenLite.to(text2, 4, {_alpha:100, delay:7}) );

    myTimeline.insert( new TweenLite.to(bow2, 4, {_alpha:100, delay:7}) );


    myTimeline.insert( new TweenLite.to(text2, 3, {_alpha:0, delay:11, overwrite:false}) );

    myTimeline.insert( new TweenLite.to(bow2, 3, {_alpha:0, delay:11, overwrite:false}) );


    myTimeline.insert( new TweenLite.to(text3, 4, {_alpha:100, delay:14}) );

    myTimeline.insert( new TweenLite.to(bow3, 4, {_alpha:100, delay:14}) );


    myTimeline.insert( new TweenLite.to(text3, 3, {_alpha:0, delay:18, overwrite:false}) );

    myTimeline.insert( new TweenLite.to(bow3, 3, {_alpha:0, delay:18, overwrite:false}) );


    Any help is greatly appreciated and I´m sorry if this subject has been discussed before.



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