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Posts posted by sirwin

  1. Thank you @Jonathan, and @PointC for your quick replies! I really appreciate it! To answer your question @Jonathan@PointC is exactly right. I'm wanting to animate the hockey player that slides in from the left, and pretty much exactly like that dog that's in his example, except with a little more easing potentially.


    I will really dig into the info you both have provided! Thank you so much!

    • Like 1
  2. Hello! I'm very new to GSAP and Scrollmagic, but I'm wondering about how to do something specific. I will provide a link below, but basically what I'm wanting to know how to do is have an element tween to a specific point on scroll, then pause, then complete, the tween.


    Here is the code I'm using currently to make this happen:


    // Hockey Player Slide
    	var tween = TweenMax.staggerFromTo(".hockey-boy", 1, 
      	{left: -600, opacity: 0}, {left: 800, opacity: 1, ease: Linear.ease}, .15);
    	// build scene
    	var scene = new ScrollMagic.Scene({
      		   triggerElement: "#hockey-player", 
               triggerHook: 0, 
               duration: 2000,
              	name: "Hockey Player",




    I greatly appreciate anyone shedding some light on this for me! Take care!

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