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Posts posted by KrooJWG

  1. I'm using GSAP to help create a lower third template that gets overlayed onto live video. I've just really started learning how to use GSAP, so this is only the fourth or fifth graphic I've made with it.


    What should be happening is the lower third expands in width with the red square (replaced by an image) sliding along with it to animate it onto the screen. When it's time to animate it off, it should essentially do the reverse.


    It all works great, as long as I comment out the line that "rotates" the red square. If it's bouncing back and forth, then it only works maybe 1 out of 10 times. When it doesn't work, it just jumps to the end of the tween. I'm assuming there's something going on with the yoyo-ing that affects the animate out tween.


    Ideally, I wouldn't use yoyo to get that div to rotate back and forth, so if there's a better way to do that I'm all ears. Maybe putting it on its own timeline?

    See the Pen aLKeqN by kroojwg (@kroojwg) on CodePen

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