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Posts posted by jeffdfarr

  1. I'm looking for a developer to convert

    See the Pen qBOzVwb by jeffdfarr (@jeffdfarr) on CodePen

    into React.


    This was what I had started. It's still missing the infinite loop and auto play feature.

    function MediaGrid ({title, text, media}) {
      // Create variables
      let slider = useRef(null);
      useEffect(() => {
        gsap.registerPlugin(Draggable, InertiaPlugin);
        // Make slider draggable
        Draggable.create(slider, {
          type: "x",
          inertia: true,
        }, []);
      return (
      <section className="block media-grid" style={background}>
        <div className="slides-container" ref={el => slider = el}>
          {media && media.map((media, index) => (
            <div key={index} className="slideContainer">
              <div className="slide">
                {media.slide && media.slide.map((slide, index) => (
                  <div key={index} className="img-wrap">
                    <Img key={slide.id} fluid={slide.remoteFile.childImageSharp.fluid} />
    export default MediaGrid


  2. That seemed to help on the drastic breaks but there are still some small line breaks issues. Here is my code below. Again, I can provide the live URL if hidden.

    // Hero animation
    document.fonts.ready.then(function () {
    var heroTimeline = gsap.timeline({
    onComplete: () => {splitLines.revert()}
    const splitLines = new SplitText('.block-animate', {type: "lines", linesClass: "line"});
    $('.block-animate .line').wrap('<div class="line-wrapper">');
    heroTimeline.from(splitLines.lines, 1.25, {y: '150%', ease: "Power3.Out", stagger: 0.15}, 0.25);


  3. I'm using Split Text but I get weird line breaks when animating. I believe it's due to not letting my custom font load first but I'm unsure how to solve this. I've gone through the forums but I haven't seen a clear answer. Here is the code I have...


    // Hero animation
    var heroTimeline = gsap.timeline({
    onComplete: () => {splitLines.revert()}
    const splitLines = new SplitText('.hero .block-animate', {type: "lines", linesClass: "line"});
    $('.hero .block-animate .line').wrap('<div class="line-wrapper">');
    heroTimeline.from(splitLines.lines, 1.25, {y: '150%', ease: "Power3.Out", stagger: 0.15}, 0.25);
    window.onload = () => {

    See the Pen BajBJEV by jeffdfarr (@jeffdfarr) on CodePen

  4. This seems to get me closer but now the 1st media-with-text component fires when you pass the second instance


    gsap.utils.toArray(".media-with-text").forEach((section, i) => {
    var image = "media-with-text img";
    gsap.from(image, {
    duration: 1.5,
    ease: "power3.out",
    scrollTrigger: {
    trigger: section,
  5. I have a media-with-text component that can be created multiple times in a page. What would be the most efficient way to trigger an animation each time that component comes into view? The below code is failing.


    $(".media-with-text").each(function() {
    var media = $(this).find("img");
    gsap.from(media, 1.5, {
    ease: "power3.out",
    scrollTrigger: {
    trigger: this,
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