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Posts posted by syatson

  1. Hi, first post. I'm really enjoying GSAP. It's saved me a bunch of time, which I've eaten up playing with cool features.


    I browsed the forum for this subject but don't see a search so I didn't find anything I could understand. 


    I'm trying to run a tween and leave the objects onscreen in their tweened state until a later event occurs, for example a click. When that click happens I want to destroy that tween information in a way that I can rerun the tween after a different event at a later time. 


    It feels like this should be easy and I'm missing something obvious. I found .time(), .killTweensOf() and a few other things in the docs but I just can't get this to work. Any help appreciated.  

    See the Pen oeQMvN by syatson (@syatson) on CodePen

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