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Posts posted by kingmauri

  1. hello


    i have an as2 project to finish and the client want a plane that rotate around the X axis. hm. unfortunately i cant use rotationx because its not a as3 project. i tried to yscale the plane to 0 and the again to 100 for an "pseudo 3d effect". doesnt looks realy good. i tried some stuff with the transform matrix but had no luck. is there a way to "taper" a clip to simulate the 3d effect? or somebody knows a better way to make a simple 3d rotation in as2 without papervision? found some crazy stuff/formulas but i thought maybee tweenmax can handle this for me :)



  2. Hello!


    Please look at this simple code:


    import com.greensock.*;
    import com.greensock.easing.*;
    import com.easing.plugins.*;
    timeline = new TimelineMax({repeat:1, repeatDelay: 3,  yoyo: true, onComplete:nextStep});
    timeline.append (TweenMax.to(mc,0.5,{_x: 400}))
    //other tweens
    function nextStep()
           //do some stuff


    somehow the clip is flickering when the animation restarts. why that?


    thx in advance.

  3. hmm...when the coder of a great tween-engine says - "it's really complex" then i think i have to abort this project... :)


    yes exactly. anzahl is 10.

    i tried some stuff with the tolerance that's because is 0.02.


    even when is ease: Linear.easeNone the clips are not aligned perfectly. and in fact, the client want an easing. these damn bezier. before tweenmax and the bezier-plugin i tried it manually to orient the clip with sin, cos and to rotate atan2. but had not really success. damn! damn client! :)


    have to do some research over the net. anyway thank you for your time!


    keep going your engine!

  4. hey thanks for the fast reply!


    yes. that is what i tried to. but somehow the clips are not align perfectly. dont know why. the progress is like you say 0.1 , 0.2, etc. but they are not aligned to evenly spaces. hm. dont know how the totalProgress works in a bezier. ex. is 0.5 really the middle of the whole curve?


    for (var i:int = 0 ; i


    var myClip:mc = new mc;


    myTween = TweenMax.to(myClip,1, {bezierThrough:[{x:50, y:-200}, {x:100, y:-300}], orientToBezier:[["x","y","rotation",0,0.02]]})


    TweenLite.to(myTween, 1, {totalProgress:(1/10)*i})


  5. hey!


    i want a smiliar effect like the snowleopard dock fan-menu. (http://www.lytebyte.com/wp-content/uplo ... ck-fan.jpg)


    the only thing i have is this:

    TweenMax.to(mc,0.75, {bezierThrough:[{x:mc.x, y:300}, {x:200, y:200}], orientToBezier:[["x","y","rotation",0,0.02]], ease:Quint.easeOut})


    i dont know how to align the other 10 clips in this bezier because they all end in the same position. i tried stuff like totalProgress but had no success. tried now over 3h :(


    thanks :)

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