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Posts posted by brendynz

  1. Can anyone give me a clue as to why IE9 is rotating my SVG files differently than all other browsers? TransformOrigin doesnt seem to work the same (I have tried, %, pixels, and top), and it is going in different directions. The CodePen link should show the 3 lettter "A"s pointing to the left. But in IE9, they get squished and point down after a TweenMax.set call. Any thoughts? Thanks very much.


    Also posted here in case CodePen doesnt allow IE9 viewing:


    See the Pen QErOYr by leisurelarry (@leisurelarry) on CodePen

  2. Trying to learn animating along a path with Greensock. I got the animation working, but I can't seem to get rid of the white background. In the codepen, you can see there is supposed to be a green background (bg) in the html file. But a white background, that seems to be within the <SVG> tag is blocking it. Does anyone know why this is happening? Is MorphSVGPlugIn causing this?


    See the Pen BzKdMJ by leisurelarry (@leisurelarry) on CodePen

  3. When tweening numbers is there a way to keep it to a certain number of decimal places? Such as in this case:


    TweenLite.to( numberBeingTweened, 5, { targetNumber: 14.95 });


    It's a dollar amount, so I need to keep the two numbers after the decimal.


    (The title of this post is a bit misleading now that I think about it)

  4. @Greensock - My confusion was that TweenLite is advertised as to take care of all the browser differences back until IE9 in most cases so that the dev doesn't need to worry about it. But in this case, that doesnt seem to be the case. Is that correct? Ive tried starting off large and then scaling after that, and that seems to work in IE11, but not 9 or 10. 


    To confirm, Tweenlite actually doesnt handle SVG scaling browser differences as it does with other features?

  5. Does anyone know why when animating the scale of an svg, it gets blurry in IE, and only looks clear in Chrome and Safari once the animation has finished?


    In this quick test (http://www.brendyn.com/test/) the top image is SVG and the bottom is a PNG. If looked at in IE, once it gets big, you can see it's very blurry, which an SVG shouldnt be. The PNG is only slightly blurry (which is expected). 


    I assume it's a core browser difference, but I would have assumed TweenLite would have taken care of that. Can anyone offer any insight?


    Thanks very much in advance.

  6. Can anyone let me know the file size of each plugin of the Club Greensock files? Most importantly, the new MorphSVGPlugIn released today (Dec 22)? I am considering buying, but I need to know if they are small enough to use in my banners. 

    • Like 1
  7. I've figured out the issue. I had the estimatedBytes line in both my actionscript and the xml file:


    _loaderMax = new LoaderMax( { name:"mainQueue", noCache:true, onProgress:loaderProgressHandler, onComplete:loaderCompleteHandlerr } );

    _loaderMax.append( new XMLLoader("xml/data_en.xml", {name:"lib_xml", estimatedBytes:10000 }));




    As soon as I removed the estimatedBytes from the XML file, it worked properly.


    Is this a known bug?

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