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Posts posted by wrongholt

  1. I can understand that it is confusing but I can't demonstrate it with codepen.  So I have 4 photos in a diagnal direction with overlap like on the codepen and when I hover over it like on the codepen the scaling to 2.0 will happen on multiple photos.  It works properly on codepen sorry let me know if this explains it any better?

  2. Hello again.  I have like it is on the Codepen except with my code it will scale multiple pictures at the same time even when I am not hovering on them.  On the code pen I couldn't get it to work like it does in my code.  Any suggestions?  Let me know if you need anything else I can post my code but it is identical to the Codepen.  Thank you.

    See the Pen jLmYxZ by wrongholt (@wrongholt) on CodePen

  3. So to answer your comment about "onload"  I do need to run that because of I was using just JQuery than decided to switch GSAP because of obvoius reasons.


    This is my attempt


      TweenMax.to(swing, 2.0, {
            rotationX:90,transformOrigin:"left top 10",
        function newPage(){
            var activeLink = $(this).find("img").attr("id");
                window.location.href = "'" + activeLink + ".html'","_self";


  4. So to go more in depth on my Code pen showed I had a on click event. What I didn't show I have 4 different links to 4 different pages.  I have tweens that run within the on click event function.  I wanted them to run before the page actually loaded.


    Thanks for that demo I suppose I can use the on complete and in that function have a for loop that steps through all the links. 

  5. I have some tweens running on a click event but it loads the page right away.  Can i have it run all the tweens first than load the page?  I could think of a way to do on code pen but I attached one anyway.. It works fine when there isn't a page to load. Ha.. Thank you for any help! 

    See the Pen gxmyMM by wrongholt (@wrongholt) on CodePen

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  6. So I am trying to get hover on and off to work with zIndex.  I have attached my code pen forgive me if there are some errors it was my first time creating one.  I have images that are overlapped like on the code Pen and I want the zIndex to come forward (hover on)and than reset after (hovering off).  I originally have the zIndexes set on the images(in CSS) prior to messing with them in JS.  Any help would be greatly appreciated.

    See the Pen WEpLQO by wrongholt (@wrongholt) on CodePen

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