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  1. Wow! Such solid logic, syntax aside, do you guys have any good resources for animation logic or logic in general? the second i saw null on the two variables i pretty much guessed how you'd set it up but it never came to mind to even try something similar. I basically want to create a bunch of little, clickable pictures that change that re arrange depending on which one is open. This is really just me trying to understand what's available in GSAP and how to use it. This is SO COOL. You just inspired some ideas. I'll probably do something very similar to this with outside animations leading up to the change of content. Thanks so much for the awesome work Mikel, do you have any tips on the thought process of putting together more UI elements like this?
  2. Hey everyone! I'm getting into GSAP and wanted to do something cool for my portfolio. I'd basically would like to get it so that when I slide open one pane, the last opened one would close simultaneously. The reason I want to use the sibling selector is a backup scenario in case someone closes the one they opened to before trying to open another. Either way, after reading through the docs, I'm haing trouble applying logic to these parameters because I don't understand what they do fully yet. Help?
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